
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission met April 10

City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission met April 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

1. Meeting Called to Order

Chair Bus called the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) meeting to order at 5:00pm.

2. Roll Call

Members Present: Chair Bus; Vice-Chair Barraza; Commissioners Alderson and Saam

Members Absent: Commissioner Koc

Also Present: Jeff Albertson, Building Commissioner; Jennifer Austin-Smith, Recording Secretary

3. Minutes: February 27, 2023 and March 13, 2023

Motion: To recommend approval of the minutes from February 27, 2023 and March 13, 2023

Maker: Saam

Second: Alderson

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Saam, Barraza, Alderson, Bus

Nay: None

4-0 Vote, 1 Absent, Motion carried.

4. Items to be Removed, Added or Changed


5. Matters From the Public (for items not on the agenda)


6. COA Review: 20 North River Street

Mural (Water Street Studios, Applicant)

Chair Bus noted that the structure is non-contributing. Representatives from Water Street Studios addressed the Commission to discuss the Certificate of Appropriateness for the mural.

Motion: To recommend approval of COA as presented

Maker: Saam

Second: Alderson

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Saam, Barraza, Alderson, Bus

Nay: None

4-0 Vote, 1 Absent, Motion carried.

7. Discussion: Meetings – In person Versus Hybrid

Albertson reported the Governor is planning on ending the emergency order on May 11th. Unless one of the bills is adopted to extend virtual attendance everyone would be required to attend in person on May 11th.

8. Discussion: COA Reviews – Staff Level Approval Parameters

The general consensus of the Commission was to have staff develop a policy for Commission review. Staff level approved items should be brought to the Commission at meetings.

9. Updates:

1. 7 East Wilson Street – Historic Inspection

2. Anderson Block Building – Masonry Maintenance

3. Significant Historic Building Inspection Program

4. 227 West Wilson Street – Historic Inspection

5. 16 East Wilson Street – Historic Inspection

Albertson stated that there are no updates at this time.

10. Other Business

Chair Bus discussed the Amasa White House in Geneva with the Commission. April 24th at 10am will have an inspection and evaluation to see if the house is suitable for moving.

11. Adjournment

There being no other business to discuss, Chair Bus asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:22pm; Made by Saam, seconded by Alderson. All were in favor. Motion carried.
