
Kane County Reporter

Saturday, January 11, 2025

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met May 23

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met May 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

2. Reminder: Please speak directly into microphone for BATV recording

3. Items Removed/Added/Changed

4. Matters from the Public (For Items NOT on Agenda)

5. Consent Agenda

(The consent agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff that require recommendation to the full City Council by the Cow. This agenda is placed as a separate item of the COW agenda. The items on the consent agenda are usually minor items, already budgeted, standard non-policy activities or outgrowths of earlier meetings and are voted on as a “package” in the interest of saving time on non-controversial issues. However, any council member may, by simple request, have an item removed and placed on the “regular” agenda.).

5.A. RES 23-072-R Authorizing Execution of Contract for 2023 Street Resurfacing and Sidewalk Replacement Program with Builders Paving LLC in the amount of $1,973,400 (CB 5/15/23) (CS)

5.B. Resolution 23-073-R Adopting IDOT Resolution (BLR 14220 Form) to Appropriate $1,600,000 from the State Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Fund (CB 5/15/23) (CS)

5.C. Resolution 23-076-R Approval of a Municipal Sign Easement with Holmstad Inc. (GH 5/18/23) (CS)

5.D. Resolution 23-071-R Approving a Resolution Accepting Public Improvements at Bar One Expansion (1063 Pierson Drive) (CB 5/16/23)(CS)

5.E. RES 28-078-R Approve Plat of Easement - 830 Blaine Street (CB 5/18/23)(CS)

5.F. RES 23-074-R: Approving the Final Plat of Winding Creek Phase 2 Subdivision Mill Street at Freedlund Course, Pulte Homes LLC, Applicant (DR 5/18/23) CD

6. Public Hearing: Annexation Agreement for Property at 2S214 Hart Road (CD)

7. Ordinance 23-19: Authorizing Execution of an Annexation Agreement for Property at 2S214 Hart Road (SCB 5/15/23) (CD)

8. Presentation: Water Street Studios proposal for painting a mural on the city-owned parking deck on N. River St. (LN 5/18/23)

9. RES 23-077-R Authorizing Execution of an Installation of Artwork on Public Property License (LN 5/18/23)

10. Resolution 23-070-R: Approval of Plumbing Inspector Contract-Revised Fee Schedule (SCB 5/8/23) (CD)

11. RES 23-075-R Authorizing Execution of a change order with V3 for Mahoney Creek Tributary Detention basin for additional trees not to exceed $29, 390 (AMP 5/16/23) (CS)

12. Discussion: Columbarium Sculpture Competition (CS)

13. Discussion: Voting method used by City Council to select candidates for Council vacancies.

14. Project Status

15. Other

16. Adjournment
