
Kane County Reporter

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Aurora City Council met April 12

City of Aurora City Council met April 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Irvin called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and the roll was called.

Present: 12 - Alderwoman Juany Garza, Alderman Ted Mesiacos, Alderman Bill Donnell, Alderman Carl Franco, Alderman Mike Saville, Alderwoman Scheketa Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Patty Smith, Alderman Edward Bugg, Alderwoman Shweta Baid, Alderman Ron Woerman, Alderman Sherman Jenkins and Mayor Richard Irvin

Absent: 1 - Alderman Emmanuel Llamas


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by 7th Grader Sahib Singh.


The Invocation was presented by Mr. Mohinder Singh, Head Priest, Illinois Sikh Community Center.


A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderwoman Hart-Burns to appoint a Sergeant-At-Arms for this meeting. The motion carried by voice vote and Officer Sullivan served as Sergeant-At-Arms for this meeting.


22-0293 Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs Presentations.

Mayor Irvin presented a Proclamation to members of the SIKH Community proclaiming April, 2022 SIKH Awareness & Appreciation Month in the City of Aurora.

Diamanto Mesiacos, the daughter of 3rd Ward Alderman Ted Mesiacos, was honored as the State of Illinois Archery Champion. 2022 ITAA Indoor State Champion and 2022 FAI Indoor State Champion. Alderman Mesiacos recited and presented the Mayor's Award of Excellence to his daughter, on behalf of Mayor Irvin who was also present. Representative Kifowit presented Diamanto Mesiacos with an award on behalf of the Illinois State House of Representatives.

The West Aurora High School Air Force JROTC was honored as the 2022 National Drill Champion Competition Armed Division National Champions.

Mayor Irvin presented a Proclamation to team members and coaches proclaiming March 19, 2022 as West Aurora High School Air Force JROTC Day in the City of Aurora.

Camron Donatlan was honored for being a member of the 2022 NJCAA National Basketball Championship Team at South Suburban College. Mayor Irvin presented a Proclamation to Camron proclaiming October 20th as Camron Donatlan Day in the City of Aurora in recognition of his many achievements.


22-0208 A Resolution approving the appointment of members to the Innovation and Technology Advisory Commission.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins. Enactment No: R22-078


The City Clerk read the Rules of Public Comment and Ms. Nirmala Larayanareddy spoke on behalf of the HSS Agency and an upcoming event at the Fox Valley Mall on April 16, 2022 entitled, "Darshana A Glimpse into the Hindu Civilization."


22-0093 Public Hearing Only - Special Service Area #206, 410 Hill Avenue and Calling for a Public Hearing on the Proposed Special Service Area in the City of Aurora, Kane County and Providing for a Public Hearing and Other Procedures in Connection therewith PIN: 15-26-276-021.

Mayor Irvin called the Public Hearing to order and asked if there was anyone present wanting to be heard for the purpose of public comment on this item.

There were no members of the public wanting to be heard on this item. There were no questions or comments from City Council. A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderman Franco to close the Public Hearing. The motion carried by the following vote and the Public Hearing was closed.

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

22-0094 Public Hearing Only - Special Service Area #207, 425 E. New York Street and calling for a Public Hearing on the proposed Special Service Area in the City of Aurora, Kane County and providing for a Public Hearing and other procedures in connection therewith PIN: 15-22-455-008.

Mayor Irvin called the Public Hearing to order and asked if there was anyone present wanting to be heard for the purpose of public comment on this item.

There were no members of the public wanting to be heard on this item. There were no questions or comments from City Council. A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderwoman Hart-Burns to close the Public Hearing. The motion carried by the following vote and the Public Hearing was closed.

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

22-0095 Public Hearing Only - Special Service Area #208, Lincoln Crossing Subdivision and calling for a Public Hearing on the proposed Special Service Area in the City of Aurora, Will County and providing for a Public Hearing and other procedures in connection therewith PIN(s):





Mayor Irvin called the Public Hearing to order and asked if there was anyone present wanting to be heard for the purpose of public comment on this item.

There were no members of the public wanting to be heard on this item.

Alderman Bugg posed a question that was answered by Staff. There were no additional questions or comments from City Council. A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to close the Public Hearing. The motion carried by the following vote and the Public Hearing was closed.

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins


The City Clerk read the Consent Agenda and Direct to Council Consent Agenda in full. Alderwoman Garza asked to remove item 22-0205 from the Consent Agenda. Item 22-0205 was moved to Unfinished Business. A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve the items on the Consent Agenda and Direct to Council Consent Agenda as read, after item 22-0205 was removed to Unfinished Business. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Aderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

22-0132 A Resolution Approving the 2022 Ward 9 Block Party Assistance Program.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-079

22-0172 A Resolution to allow the Aurora Financial Empowerment Center to apply for a Kane County Grand Victoria Riverboat Grant, to help with staffing and implementation costs to support a Child Savings Account and Family Financial Literacy Initiative.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-080

22-0176 A Resolution Authorization to accept the bid from Superior Asphalt Materials LLC, North Aurora, IL for the Citywide Asphalt Purchase Program.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-081

22-0183 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase a 3-year subscription for a combined Scheduling, Time and Attendance solution from Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG), Weston, FL and Vector Solutions, Tampa, FL, with 2 additional option years for a total award of $1,092,230.12 with a 10% contingency.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-082

22-0184 A Resolution to purchase a 3-year subscription for a combined, comprehensive Fire Records Management System (RMS) from ESO Solutions, Austin, TX and Vector Solutions, Tampa, FL, with 2 additional option years for a total award of $299,202.72.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-083

22-0190 A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Labor Agreement between the City of Aurora and Local 461 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL/CIO.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-084

22-0197 A Resolution authorizing the purchase of One (1) 2022 Wheeled Coach Ford F-550 4x4 gas type 1 ambulance from Fire Service Inc., St. John, Indiana in the amount of $326,903.00, as well as vehicle setup and medical equipment and supplies for a total cost of $405,253.00 for the Aurora Fire Department.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-085

22-0200 A Resolution authorizing the purchase of one replacement and one additional aerial forestry truck for the City of Aurora fleet from Altec Industries Inc. for $345,929.00.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-086

22-0210 A Resolution to award the New Haven Ave Water Main Replacement & Storm Sewer Extension project located in Ward 6 to Stokes Excavating, Inc., 903 Daisyfield Rd, Rockford, Illinois 61102 in the bid amount of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars and zero cents ($750,000.00).

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-087

22-0213 A Resolution Awarding the bid to Service Sanitation located in Aurora, Illinois for Portable Toilet Rental/Service for various City of Aurora Divisions

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-088

22-0214 A Resolution for the Acceptance of Bid Pricing from Beary Landscape for Mowing & Landscape Maintenance for City Owned Park parcels

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-089

22-0216 A Resolution to authorize the Director of Purchasing to execute a contract with Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Aurora, IL, in the amount of $105,600 for water main flushing.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-090

22-0219 A Resolution authorizing the purchase of a replacement brush chipper. This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-091

22-0225 A Resolution for the Acceptance of Bid Pricing from Contractors for Mowing Landscape Maintenance for Several City Departments (Bid 22-06) for a One Year Contract with Two Optional One Year Extensions upon mutual consent.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-092

22-0227 A Resolution to enter into a Donation Agreement with the Aurora Rotary Club Foundation (the Foundation Arm of the Rotary Club of Aurora) for their inventory of lights displays.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-093

22-0233 A Resolution to award a contract to Builders Paving, LLC in the bid amount of $8,354,588.00, and to appropriate $3,300,000.00 of MFT Funds for the 2022 City Wide Street Resurfacing Project.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-094

22-0234 A Resolution Authorizing the Third Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Aurora and the Aurora Civic Center Authority Regarding the Management of RiverEdge Park and John C. Dunham Pavilion.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-095

22-0235 A Resolution ratifying payments in the amount of $12,952.40 and approving estimated payments in the amount of $52,952 to Richland Community College for police recruit training, lodging, and meals in 2022.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-096

22-0237 Introduce announcement of the availability of the Eligibility Study and Report, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project for the proposed East River Bend TIF District.

This item was accepted and filed on the Consent Agenda.

22-0242 A Resolution Authorizing Amita Health Saint Joseph Hospital-Elgin Employee Assistance Program(EAP) from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-097


22-0246 Approval of the Minutes of the Tuesday, March 22, 2022 City Council Meeting.

The minutes were approved on the Direct to Council Consent Agenda.


22-0077 A Resolution to append approved resolution R21-111, dated 4/26/2021 from Data Defenders LLC, 111 Jackson Blvd, Suite 1700, Chicago IL 60604 for $336,697.20.

Mike Pegues, Chief Information Officer - City of Aurora and Leela Karumuri, Direct of Cyber Technology Risk - City of Aurora, responded to questions regarding this item.

A motion was made by Alderman Franco and seconded by Alderman Saville to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-098

22-0205 A Resolution Approving of Third-Party Administrative Services for Cities in Schools to administer the 2022 Summer Programs in the amount not to exceed $194,000.00 for the Community Services Division.

Marty Shanahan, Chief Community Services Officer - City of Aurora, responded to questions on this item with respect to placement of a location on the east side of Aurora.

This item was moved from the Consent Agenda to Unfinished Business for tonight's meeting. A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderwoman Smith to hold this item to the next City Council meeting on April 26, 2022. The motion carried by voice vote with no objections.

Enactment No: R22-124


A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderman Franco to suspend the rules to hear items of New Business. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

22-0261 A Resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to execute agreements with the Secretary of the Department of Transportation on behalf of the City pertaining to the transfer of entitlement of funds for airport purposes.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderman Jenkins to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-099


22-0296 Treasurer's Report - February 2022

Chris Minick, Chief Financial Officer - City of Aurora, presented the Treasurer's Report.

The Treasurer's Report was accepted and filed.


22-0292 Bill Summary and Large Bill List

Chris Minick, Chief Financial Officer - City of Aurora, responded to questions regarding this item.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderman Jenkins to approve and pay the bills. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins


There was no need for a Closed Session at this meeting.


A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns to adjourn this meeting. The motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.




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