
Kane County Reporter

Monday, September 30, 2024

Kane County Board Met September 8

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Kane County Board met Sept. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


The Adjourned Meeting of the Kane County Board was held at the Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134.

Chairman Lauzen called the meeting to order at 9:45 AM.


Attendee Name





Deborah Allan

Kane County

Board Member


Theresa Barreiro

 Kane County

Board Member


Mark Davoust

Kane County

Board Member


Drew Frasz

Kane County

Board Member


Matt Hanson

Kane County

Board Member


Barbara Hernandez

Kane County

Board Member


John Hoscheit

Kane County

Board Member


Mo Iqbal

Kane County

Board Member


Michael Kenyon

Kane County

Board Member


Chris Kious

Kane County

Board Member


Tom Koppie

Kane County

Board Member


Bill Lenert

Kane County

Board Member


Anita Lewis

Kane County

Board Member


John Martin

Kane County

Board Member


Myrna Molina

Kane County

Board Member


Jarett Sanchez

Kane County

Board Member


Douglas Scheflow

Kane County

Board Member


Monica Silva

Kane County

Board Member


Susan Starrett

Kane County

Board Member


Clifford Surges

Kane County

Board Member


Angela C Thomas

Kane County

Board Member


Steve Weber

Kane County

Board Member


Penny Wegman

Kane County

Board Member


Barbara Wojnicki

Kane County

Board Member


Christopher J Lauzen

Kane County



Present: Co. Bd. Secretary Caryn Minor, Clerk Dpty. Weilandt; Finance Exec. Dir. Onzick, Bldg. Mgmt. Exec. Dir. Sparks; KDOT Dir. Schoedel; Sheriff Hain; State's Atty. McMahon & staff Lulves; ITD Exec. Dir. Fahnestock; members of the press & public.


County Board Member Kenyon started the meeting off with the Pledge of Allegiance. Newly hired Sheriff's Peace Officer Mike Drab said the prayer. A moment of silence followed for the recent passing of Debra Bree, Director of the Kane County Child Advocacy Center.

4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 11, 2020, August 25, 2020

Motion by Kenyon, second by Wojnicki to approve the August 11, 2020 and August 25, 2020 meeting minutes. A few corrections followed.

In the August 11, 2020 minutes, Member Kious noted on Page 2 to remove the Chairman as a voting member for the approval of the minutes. On Page 2, under the recognition of Warren Kammerer to correct Mr. Kious’s name.

In the August 11, 2020 minutes, Member Thomas asked that her comments pertaining Resolution No. 20-263 - Board Support for Police and Police Reforms -- be added. For the August 25, 2020 minutes she asked that her comments be on the record for supporting Kane County Connect/Community Outreach Coordinator.

Upon hearing no objections from other board members on the changes, the chairman entertained a motion to approve both sets of minutes, as amended. Roll call:

Aye: Allan, Barreiro, Davoust, Frasz, Hanson, Hernandez, Hoscheit, Iqbal, Kenyon, Kious, Koppie, Lenert, Martin, Molina, Sanchez, Scheflow, Silva, Starrett, Surges, Thomas, Weber, Wegman, Wojnicki

Nay: None.

Absent: Lewis

Minutes, as corrected, passed. Vote: 23-0

5. SPEAKERS (Agenda & Non-Agenda Items)




∙ Early Retirement Incentive Savings (Sheriff Ron Hain)

Given the anticipated challenging financial times for 2021 and 2022, Sheriff Hain provided an overview of the retirement benefit offer being offered to his middle to upper management employees within his office. The three retirement packages

included the following: 1) receive $15,000 a year for two years; 2) receive $15,000 and one year of county-paid premiums for health insurance; or 3) receive two years of health insurance. The third option proved to be the most expensive to the county. Fourteen employees opted in with most choosing the first option. Total savings over the two years equaled $3.8M Dollars. Sheriff Hain plans to discuss with Finance Director Onzick other items that can be decreased to meet the county’s budgetary goals for the next year. Member Lenert expressed his appreciation to the sheriff but cautioned the board/Finance Committee that while there was a $3.8M savings over the two years to realize a future need may arise for other considerations or a need to hire someone and the figure could decrease. Chairman Lauzen also expressed his appreciation.

∙ Chairman's Short Program

Chairman Lauzen shared a note he received from Ms. Susan McCowan (phonetic) regarding her husband's positive interaction with Veterans Assistance Commission Supt. Jake Zimmerman. Another positive note, dated March 20, 2020, was from a female detainee in the Adult Justice Center expressing her and other detainees' appreciation to Sheriff Hain and his staff for the precautionary steps he has taken in their housing unit to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to keep them safe.


PETITION NO. 4555: Development Properties, Inc. (Tentinger Landscaping)

Deveopment Chair Mr. Martin reviewed the petition noting there were no objectors. The ZBA and Devleopment Committee recommended approval per staff's five conditions. Commissioner Frasz discussed the previous petition the owner brought prior, and explained that Mr. Tentinger was was trying to separate his personal residence from his business. On behalf of the petitoner Mr. Nelson Sanderson was present to answer questions.


MOVER: John Martin, Board Member

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Clifford Surges, Steve Weber, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

AWAY: Tom Koppie, Angela C Thomas


-------------- CONSENT AGENDA ----------------

The Chairman asked if there were any items to be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Member Kious removed Res. No. 20-300. Member Hoscheit removed Res. No. 20-284. The Chairman entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda (Res.Nos. 20-279 to 20-303, with the exception of Resolution Nos. 20-24 and 20-300). Roll call:


MOVER: Mark Davoust, Board Member

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Clifford Surges, Angela C Thomas, Steve Weber, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

Ord. #20 - 279 Ordinance providing for the issuance of Taxable PACE Revenue Notes of the County of Kane, Illinois, to finance certain projects pursuant to the County's property assessed clean energy program, providing for the payment of said notes, and authorizing the sale of said notes to the purchaser thereof.

Res. #20 - 280 Resolution in Support of the County Line Subdivision

Res. #20 - 281 Authorizing the Transfer of the Remaining Fund Balance from Juvenile Drug Court to Adult Drug Rehabilitation Court

Res. #20 - 282 Authorizing FY20 Budget Adjustment for NG9-1-1 Grant Revenue and Expenditures

Res. #20 - 283 Approving an FY20 Budget Adjustment for the JJC Farm to School Program

Res. #20 - 285 Accepting the Compeer Financial Grant and Approving the FY20 Budget Adjustment for the Farmer Mini Grant Program

Res. #20 - 286 Authorizing the County Board Chairman and County Clerk to enter into Grant Agreements

Res. #20 - 287 Authorizing Inter-Governmental Agreement with the State of Illinois, Department of Human Services--Juvenile Justice Council Grant

Res. #20 - 288 Authorizing the Purchase to Replace The Damaged Hazardous Materials and Devices Magazine, Along With Proper Protective Berm

Res. #20 - 289 Authorizing an Amendment to the Fifth Third Bank Commercial Card Program

Res. #20 - 290 Authorizing an Extended Contract with Huddleston-McBride Land Drainage Services for FY-2021

Res. #20 - 291 Authorization to Enter Into a Contract Extension for Audit Services Res. #20 - 292 Approving the 2021 Monthly Health and Dental Contributions

Res. #20 - 293 Authorizing Exception to the County Financial Policies Regarding Personnel Hiring and Replacement

Res. #20 - 294 Rehiring of PT Kennel Assistant

Res. #20 - 295 Report of July 2020 Claims Paid

Ord. #20 - 296 Restatement And Amendment Of Section 2 Of Ordinance 11-400 Establishing The Judicial And Public Safety Technology Commission (As Previously Amended) To Establish The Terms Of The Position Of Chairman

Res. #20 - 297 Approving Release of Covenants, Easements and Restrictions - Kane County Highway Right of Way

Res. #20 - 298 Approving Acquisition of Right of Way and Appropriation of Funds for the Forest Preserve District of Kane County Agreement, Kirk Road over the Union Pacific Railroad, Kane County Section No. 12-00192-04-BR

Res. #20 - 299 Approving an Amendment to a Phase III Construction Engineering Services Agreement with Ciorba Group, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois for Fabyan Parkway at Kirk Road Intersection Improvement, Kane County Section No. 11-00201-04-CH

Res. #20 - 301 Authorizing Kane County State's Attorney's Office to Execute Agreements for the Distribution of CARES Act Funds to Units of Government

Res. #20 - 302 Authorizing Reimbursement From Cares Act Funds to Kane County Departments and Elected Officials for Non-Payroll Expenses

------------END OF CONSENT AGENDA ----------

Res. #20 - 284 Authorizing a Budget for the Coronavirus Relief Fund and Related Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Adjustment

Hocheit relayed this matter was a housekeeping matter. The resolution that came from the Executive Committee had an attachment that was incorrect and Finance Director Onzick's revised version of that attachment was handed out on the dais.

Hoscheit moved to amend the original resolution to substitute the exhibits with those exhibits placed on the members' dais. Second by Frasz. Roll call on the amendment:

Aye: Allan, Barreiro, Davoust, Frasz, Hanson, Hernandez, Hoscheit, Iqbal, Kenyon, Kious, Lenert, Martin, Molina, Sanchez, Scheflow, Silva, Starrett, Surges, Thomas, Weber, Wegman, Wojnicki

Nay: None

Away: Koppie

Absent: Lewis

Motion on the amendment passed. Vote: 22-0

The roll was called on the original resolution as amended:


TO: County Board

MOVER: John Hoscheit, Board Member

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Clifford Surges, Angela C Thomas, Steve Weber, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

Res. #20 - 300 Approving an Agreement with A-TO-BE USA LLC of Downers Grove, Illinois for Toll Collection System for the Longmeadow Parkway Toll Bridge

Member Kious voiced his objections to the tollway, the unfairness to the residents of his district and he encouraged the board to not support the resolution.


MOVER: Drew Frasz, Board Member

SECONDER: Bill Lenert, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Douglas Scheflow, Clifford Surges, Angela C Thomas, Steve Weber, Barbara Wojnicki

NAYS: Mo Iqbal, Chris Kious, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Penny Wegman

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

AWAY: Tom Koppie

Res. #20 - 303 Approving A Supplemental Budget Adjustment and Authorizing Execution of Collective Bargaining Agreement (Kane County Sheriff's Court Security Officers)


MOVER: Bill Lenert, Board Member

SECONDER: Matt Hanson, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Clifford Surges, Angela C Thomas, Steve Weber, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

AWAY: Tom Koppie

∙ Resolution Authorizing CAAC CARES Act Administrative Matters and Distributions as Required (Requested By State's Attorney's Office) (Not Included)

No action was taken.

∙ Other CAAC Resolutions - - Discussion and Action (Not Included)

Asked if CAAC Chairman Hoscheit needed any action/discussion on CAAC matters, Mr. Hoscheit had nothing to offer and appreciated the agenda item listed on the agenda. He relayed that an update has been made to the treasury regulation which impacts how the applications will be processed. He further announced that next Monday, September 14th, another CAAC meeting (2:30 pm) would be held.

Chairman Lauzen reminded CAAC Chair Hoscheit and members that the publishing information for the local government grant application should be correct to avoid confusion. He cited some of his concerns regarding the application process as it pertained to the Small Business application and the fact that it gave some applicants a four day head-start on the application process. Referencing a two page note from the State’s Attorney office, he believed there was a violation of procurement law while the State's Attorney did not. Date discrepancies followed. Regarding Small Businesses and the business interruption component, the Chairman believed it equaled revenue loss and that area pertained to different rules from local government rules. He asked those responsible to consider the matter carefully. He also pointed out in the regulations of the grant program that it states the program is not necessarily an expense reimbursement program. Chairman Lauzen inquired as to who investigates/prosecutes potential fraud, citing some current cases in the news. Lastly, he inquired as to the definition of “in-home small businesses.” Reviewing a slide on the overhead, he cited a report from the Office of Inspector General - U.S. Treasury on "Interim Costs incurred by State and Local Governments" for all states and those entities which received disbursements. Kane County was listed as having the second largest amount (11%) of costs

incurred/identified/reported to the federal government behind the City of Chicago which he explained was assurance that the county was not behind as compared to other counties.


∙ Plato Rutland Drainage District - Scott Hermann

∙ Big Rock Drainage District #2 - Jon Peschke

∙ Rob Roy Drainage District - Bradley Sauer

∙ Sugar Grove Drainage District #1 - Scott Jesseman

∙ Grand Prairie Sanitary District - Michael J. Ryan

Kane County Board Drainage District Appointments

The Chairman entertained a motion to approve the following appointments: Scott Hermann for Plato Rutland Drainage District; Jon Peschke for Big Rock Drainage District #2; Brad Sauer for Rob Roy Drainage District; Scott Jesseman for Sugar Grove Drainage District #1 and Michael J. Ryan for Grand Prairie Sanitary District.


MOVER: Drew Frasz, Board Member

SECONDER: Deborah Allan, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, John Hoscheit, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Clifford Surges, Angela C Thomas, Steve Weber, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

AWAY: Barbara Hernandez

7. EXECUTIVE SESSION (if needed)

(Due to the sheriff's arrival, the Chairman moved up to Agenda Item "Early Retirement Incentive Savings (Sheriff Ron Hain)" under PRESENTATIONS/DISCUSSION and then returned to the normal agenda format.)

1. Motion to enter Executive Session

The Chairman asked for a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel, settlement of claims and pending litigation The board moved into closed session at 10:30 a.m.


MOVER: Barbara Wojnicki, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, John Hoscheit, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Clifford Surges, Angela C Thomas, Steve Weber, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

AWAY: Barbara Hernandez, Tom Koppie


The board returned to open session at 10:40 a.m.


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

SECONDER: Barbara Wojnicki, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, John Hoscheit, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Tom Koppie, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Clifford Surges, Angela C Thomas, Steve Weber, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

AWAY: Barbara Hernandez

Res. #20 - 304 Settlement of a Claim (18WC15559)

Chairman Lauzen entertained a motion to approve Resolution No. 20-304 for the settlement of Claim No. 18 WC 15559.

B. Settlement of Claim No. 20WC009791

1. Approve settlement of Claim No. 20 WC 009791

The Chairman entertained a motion to approve the settlement of Claim No. 20 WC 009791.

1. Motion to Adjourn

Allan invited board members to the Juvenile Justice Center for a ground breaking ceremony on the new facility.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

SECONDER: Mark Davoust, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Matt Hanson, John Hoscheit, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Clifford Surges, Angela C Thomas, Steve Weber, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Anita Lewis

AWAY: Barbara Hernandez, Tom Koppie

This meeting was adjourned at 10:45 AM.




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