Kane County Agriculture Committee met July 23.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes: June 18, 2020
3. Public Comment
4. Partners
A. Kane County Farm Bureau Updates (Steve Arnold, Manager)
B. Northern Illinois Food Bank Updates (Teresa Schryver, Advocacy and Awareness Specialist)
5. Presentations/Announcements
A. Growing for Kane Program Updates (Matt Tansley, Planner)
B. Grant Announcement - Compeer Grant (Janice Hill, Executive Planner)
C. Accepting ComEd Green Region Grant: Farming with Pollinators (Janice Hill, Executive Planner)
6. New Business
A. Resolution: Accepting the ComEd Green Region Grant and Approving the FY20 Budget Adjustment for Farming with Pollinators: A Growing for Kane Project
7. Reports Placed On File
8. Executive Session (If Needed)
9. Adjournment