City of Aurora GAR Commission met July 29.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
I. Call to order
II. Approval of minutes from meeting of January 15, 2020—Status of March 20, 2019, minutes?
III. Staff updates (Eric, others as appropriate):
a. IDNR grant status, construction—timetable
b. New exhibit plans
c. Other
IV. Discussion items/New business:
a. Review and recommendations on pending grant-funded projects:
i. New mural (battle scene)
ii. Chandelier reproduction
iii. Re-casting sentry statue
iv. Other remaining grant projects
b. Volunteer needs—Commissioner involvement
c. Other activities during the pandemic
V. Member reports: Events, activities, projects, needs, issues, etc.
VI. Old business
VII. Other business/items for future agendas
VIII. Adjournment