43 Nottingham DriveSouth of Keslinger Rd$395,000Property Tax (2018): $10,053.46Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.55%Buyer: Aaron D. and Marta P. MaschmanSeller: James G. and Judith A. Burki and Burki (trust)
1179 S. Anderson RoadSouth of Keslinger Rd$342,000Property Tax (2018): $11,386Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.33%Buyer: Nicholas and Amber BiggsSeller: Janet M. Bonnike (trust)
1933 Spring Valley DriveSouth of Keslinger Rd$637,000Property Tax (2018): $15,524.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.44%Buyer: Dominick D Emlen and Linda VonruckteschellSeller: Jerome K. Rumps (trust)