City of Aurora Youth Council met August 14.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
Members Present: Jake Kelly, Safa Zaman, Nathaniel Hastings, Adam Pauley, Amanda DuVall, Margarita Medina, Nallely Ramirez, Arleth Rodriguez, Diana Gonzalez, Matt Leslie, Liam Fitzpatrick, Manal Zaman, Jo Balmuri, Mohini Shanker, Veronica Gebbia, Nayha Tokala
City of Aurora staff present: Dr. Holloway, Mrs. Cross
Jo welcomed everyone.
Mohini motioned to accept the agenda, Safa seconded.
Dr. Holloway’s name was misspelled.
Adam motioned to accept the minutes, Safa seconded.
Current members Nate Hastings and Nallely Ramirez abstained, as well as all new members: Veronica, Matt, Neha, Manal, Liam, and Diana.
No speakers were present.
No elections were held.
No project ideas were given, as this was an introductory session for new members and a farewell for old members. The council instead went over meeting etiquette, names and reasons for joining the council, and executive board positions and their respective responsibilities.
Adam Pauley spoke on his Youth Leadership Summit. The date is set for September 21st at the Prisco Center and will be aiming to teach 7th and 8th graders how to be leaders and identifying leadership potential. He is now working on outreach to middle schools, as he has found all of the speakers for the event. Council members need to identify contact points in the district to identify these students and volunteers for events: welcoming, food, logistics. Adam will need to collect RSVP’s.
Structure of the event:
Members get there at 8:30 a.m. to set up, 9a.m. is when speakers will come. Then Adam and co-chair will speak. Opening speaker Chris Lawson will speak for around 20 minutes. After a short break, 4 breakout sessions will form: communication style, leadership styles, planning and goal setting, and conflict resolution (20 minute sessions). Then everyone will regroup and Simon Rodriguez will speak for 20 minutes. Maximum people for the event is 120. It is a public event but we are targeting schools as a priority. will is now open for RSVPs. Adam called for new committee members and Margarita Medina, Veronica Gebbia, and Diana Gonzalez joined.
Since a new council was appointed, members shared ideas either in the works or ones that haven’t been started but should be on the future agenda. Safa introduced her Youth Stem Committee to the new council. Mohini introduced her digital Aurora calendar committee. Arleth introduced her “Sleep Out Aurora” idea to the new council. She will be looking for members next meeting.
Nate mentioned that on September 18th and 19th there is a youth design challenge. The focus is on what the youth want to see in Aurora in terms of technology development. Students would get to work with groups like Nokia to plan out their ideas and make them possible.
Adam Pauley just became the chairman of Stefanie Kifowit’s youth advisory council!
Mohini just came back from her Michigan portion of her trip with Ambassador’s in Sneakers which works to build a bond with German youth and teach leadership and advocacy. She got a visit from the Obama Foundation so she brought stickers and pins for us.
Adam motioned to adjourn the meeting, Arleth seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 P.M. The next meeting will be held September 11th, 2019 at 4:30 P.M.