Kane County Committee of the Whole met June 26.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes: May 28, 2019
5. Public Comment
6. Presentations/Discussion
A. Budget Presentation
1. Revenue Forecast (J. Onzick)
2. General Fund Revenue (J. Onzick)
3. Supervisor of Assessments (M. Armstrong)
4. Transportation (C. Schoedel)
5. Human Resources (S. Wetzel)
6. Building Management (R. Sparks)
7. Mill Creek (R. Sparks)
8. Health Department (B. Jeffers)
9. Animal Control ( B. Youngsteadt)
10. Finance (J. Onzick)
11. Debt Service ( J. Onzick)
7. Executive Session (If Needed)
8. Adjournment