
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Village of Sugar Grove Village Board met April 2

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Village of Sugar Grove Village Board met April 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Michels opened the meeting at 6:00 PM and asked that Trustee Koch lead the Pledge. The roll was then called.

Present: President Michels, Trustee Paluch, Trustee Lendi, Trustee Herron, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Montalto and Trustee Koch

Quorum Established.

Also Present:

Administrator Eichelberger, Clerk Galbreath, Director Anastasia, Chief of Police Rollins, Public Works Director Speciale, Community Development Director Magdziarz, and Senior Management Analyst Murphy.


FY 2019-20 Budget

President Michels Open the Public hearing for the 2019-20 Budget and called for public comment. Mr. Wolf asked the Board to consider charging fees for Special Events. He stated that the demands for police man hours are a considerable cost to the Village. The Events, such as the Corn Boil should be asked to start budgeting and paying for those services. Hearing no further comment this portion of the agenda was closed.




President Michels called for public comment. Hearing no comment this portion of the agenda was closed.


a. Approval: Minutes of the March 5, 2019 meeting

b. Approval: Vouchers

c. Proclamation: Administrative Professionals Day

d. Proclamation: National Public Library Week

e. Proclamation: Telecommunications Week

f. Proclamation: Kaneland Community Fine Arts Festival 20th Anniversary

g. Ordinance: Amending the Code for Raffles

h. Resolution: Amending Fees

i. Ordinance: Adopting the 2019-20 Budget

Trustee Johnson moved to Approve the Consent Agenda with the removal of item a as per request by Trustee Lendi. Trustee Paluch seconded the motion. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.

Approval: Minutes of the March 19, 2019 meeting

Trustee Johnson moved to approve the Minutes of March 19, 2019. Trustee Paluch seconded the motion. Trustee Lendi stated that she had been approached by community members who felt there were a few items of discussion that were not reflected in the minutes. There was debate about the discussions and the minutes. The Clerk stated that as the minutes belong to the Board they have the right to amend or approve them. Trustee Lendi asked that the minutes reflect that the quiet zone and possible eminent domain be added. The Board concurred and Motions were amended to stated approval as amended. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.


Resolution: Approving a PSA for Gordon Road Corridor Study

Trustee Johnson moved to a Resolution Approving a PSA for Gordon Road Corridor Study. Trustee Montalto seconded the motion. Trustee Johnson asked when the study would be complete. Engineer Piotrowski answered November of 2020. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.

Resolution: Approving the Low Bid for the 2019 Road Program

Trustee Montalto moved to Approve a Resolution Approving the Low Bid for the 2019 Road Program. Trustee Johnson seconded the motion. President Michels asked if the program could be expanded. Director of Public Works stated additional crack filling is planned. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.


SGFPD Training Tower

Community Development Director explained located at 25 S Municipal Drive is the Sugar Grove Fire Protection District (SGFPD) Fire Station #1. The SGFPD proposes to construct a training facility on their property. Currently, SGFPD staff have to travel to other communities to complete training exercises. When firefighters travel off site for training, it leaves the fire station under staffed.

SGFPD researched different building methods for constructing this training facility and concluded the most cost-effective option is to use shipping containers on an existing paved area on their site. The facility will be comprised of five (5) shipping containers with two (2) stacked on top of three (3) containers. The shipping containers will be modified for firefighter training purposes by a third party. Renderings of the proposed building are attached.

Objectors were present at the public hearing and cited the appearance of the structure and noise from the activities as detriments to their quality of life and use and enjoyment of their adjacent properties. The SGFPD responded to these concerns and others by meeting with the objectors and modifying the appearance of the structure with a gable roof to give it a more residential appearance; agreed to limit the hours of operation; and, agreed to add security features to diminish the attractive nuisance qualities of the structure. There was little attention to the height variation request. The height variation (from 15 feet to 22.5 feet) includes the peak of the roof add-on. No objectors were present at the meeting at which the Planning Commission made its recommendation.

The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use and height variation, subject to the following conditions:

1. That the accessory training structure shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with the 3D Model and Rendering received on March 14, 2019 by the Community Development Department (and attached hereto).

2. If the accessory training structure becomes obsolete for training purposes, it shall be removed from the property. The accessory training structure may not be put to another use other than training purposes without amending the special use permit.

3. That the accessory training structure may not be fitted with railings, towers, or stairs that exceed the allowed twenty-two foot and six-inch (22.5 feet) structure height.

4. That the hours of operation of the accessory training structure shall be limited to between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

5. That the exterior stairs on the accessory training structure shall be secured when the facility is not in use.

Mr. Parsons, Mr. Chedzick, Mr. Lopez and Chief Perkins explained how the facility would work, the need for it, and how it is operated. It was explained that only pallets and hay would actually be burned and that smoke pots (fake smoke) would be used. Burning and smoke would only be used on non-windy days. Other departments would use the facility however only with the SGFD. It is estimated that the facility would be used no more than 2 days a week. The facility is needed so that the SGFD can better provide service and excel and what they provide. Training is mandatory and helps resident’s insurance rates. The SGFD has limited personnel and prefers to not have to pay overtime when sending personnel out to train.

Questions from the Board and community included:

How to address the concerns about the smoke drifting to the neighborhood.

SGFD – we will continue to be good neighbors.

Can the location be changed to the other side of the station (NW), farther from the neighbor hood

What times will the training take place

SGFD – Between 8 am and 9 pm

Can the surrounding area be landscaped heavier.

Is the facility required.

SGFD - Yes, although not on site.

What about upkeep.

SGFD - Regularly

Will the Fire Department ever want to access Bastian if it is extended as it is to be to the commercial front on Route 30.


Do you agree to the Plan Commission conditions.

SGFD - Yes

The Fire Department stated that when they built at this location the area was zoned Manufacturing.

Staff was asked to look at the possibility of moving the location, additional landscaping, and enforceable language for maintenance. This will be discussed again at the meeting on April 16, 2019.

Boundary Agreement with Batavia and a Boundary Agreement with North Aurora

Community Development Director explained that the current boundary line agreement was adopted in 2006. North Aurora and the City of Batavia are negotiating a boundary agreement between the respective communities and this area is of interest to the two communities. The proposed boundary line amendment would relocate the current boundary line west to Bliss Road. It is also proposed the current boundary line stop at Main Street rather than its current terminus, Keslinger Road.

Staff recommends the agreement be amended to relocate the boundary line from its current starting point to the north via Norris Road and Bliss Road and terminate the boundary line at Main Street, as shown on the attached map. The change has no strategic consequences for the Village as the Village has made no infrastructure investments predicated on eventually serving this area. The change essentially places the entirety of the Dick Young Forest Preserve in Batavia’s jurisdiction.

Administrator Eichelberger stated that all 3 communities got together to discuss so that is technically a multi-agency agreement. All 3 communities will need to hold public hearings. Sugar Grove will hold the hearing in late may with possible action scheduled for June. It is anticipated that in the e next 6 years Bliss Road will be realigned to line up with Fabyan Parkway. Boundary agreements do no alter school district boundaries in anyway.

The Board agree with the boundary agreements as presented.

Park Avenue & Sugar Grove Parkway Traffic Signal

Public Works Director Speciale stated that this project was last discussed at the January 22, 2019 regular board meeting. The decision was made to re-do the study at that time.

The project consists of obtaining a 24-hour traffic count including an hourly breakdown by movement and an investigation into existing conditions including crash data (supplied by the Sugar Grove Police Department) to determine if the minimum criteria as outlined by the MUTCD have been met. There is no set expiration time for a traffic signal warrant study; however, if there are changes in traffic volumes, development or crash volumes, additional studies or data collection may be required by IDOT.

EEI will be further reviewing the data collect and will submit to and work with IDOT District 1 to push for signalization of the intersection. It will ultimately be the decision of IDOT whether the intersections warrants a signal.


Public Works Director stated that staff has begun to clean up the plows and snow equipment and is gearing up for spring. Pot holes patching is ongoing and if anyone has seen a pot hold that is still in need of repair they should submit an online service request.

Sr. Management Analyst Murphy stated for a limited time LRS Recycling/DC Trash is offering for rentals cans for landscape waste.

No Trustee of Presidents Reports.




Mr. Parsons asked the Board to consider a crosswalk at Municipal and Route 30. The Board stated they would like one but it is cost prohibitive.

Ms. Molitor thanked PW for an excellent snow removal job

Ms. Stoiber asked the Board to discuss boundary agreement with Elburn.


Motion adjourn at 7:15 p.m. by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee Montalto.
