
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Village of Sugar Grove Village Board met April 16

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Village of Sugar Grove Village Board met April 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Michels opened the meeting at 6:00 PM and asked that Trustee Koch lead the Pledge.

The roll was then called.

Present: President Michels, Trustee Paluch, Trustee Lendi, Trustee Herron, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Montalto and Trustee Koch

Quorum Established.

Also Present:

Administrator Eichelberger, Clerk Galbreath, Director Anastasia, Chief of Police Rollins, Public Works Director Speciale, Community Development Director Magdziarz.




Honoring Public Service

GFOA Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)


President Michels called for public comment. Hearing no comment this portion of the agenda was closed.


a. Approval: Minutes of the April 2, 2019 meeting

b. Approval: Vouchers

c. Proclamation: Arbor Day

d. Proclamation: Building Safety Month

e. Proclamation: Public Service Week

f. Proclamation: Motorcycle Awareness

g. Proclamation: Distracted Driving Awareness

h. Resolution: Setting the Number of Liquor Licenses

i. Approval: 2019-20 Liquor Licenses

j. Resolution: Approving an Animal Control Services Agreement with Kane County

k. Resolution: Approving Blackberry Creek to Hankes Road Water PSA Change Order #1

l. Resolution: Approving Well #10 & #11 WTP Media Replacement Change Order #1

Trustee Johnson moved to Approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Paluch seconded the motion. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.


Resolution Approving the Low Bid for the Annette’s Circle Watermain Project & Bucktail Lane Paving

Trustee Johnson moved to a Resolution Approving the Low Bid for the Annette’s Circle Watermain Project & Bucktail Lane Paving. Trustee Paluch seconded the motion. Engineer Piotrowski stated the work would begin after school is out and should be completed by mid- august. It will be done in a similar manor to the Fay’s Lane water main work, down the middle of the road as to try to avoid as many trees as possible. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.

Resolution Approving an Engineering PSA for the Annette’s Circle Watermain Project & Bucktail Lane Paving

Trustee Johnson moved to a Resolution Approving an Engineering PSA for the Annette’s Circle Watermain Project & Bucktail Lane Paving. Trustee Paluch seconded the motion. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.

Resolution Authorizing Replacement of a Police Department Computer Server

Trustee Paluch moved to a Resolution Authorizing Replacement of a Police Department Computer Server. Trustee Johnson seconded the motion. Chief Rollins stated this a budgeted expense. The system will provide better quality and sound. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.

Resolution Authoring Purchase of Police Radios

Trustee Paluch moved to a Resolution Authoring Purchase of Police Radios. Trustee Johnson seconded the motion. Chief Rollins stated that the Department has budgeted for radios and that there will be some funding provides by the ETSB Board. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried. DISCUSSION ITEMS SGFPD Training Tower

Community Development Director explained located at 25 S Municipal Drive is the Sugar Grove Fire Protection District (SGFPD) Fire Station #1. The SGFPD proposes to construct a training facility on their property.

The Village Board discussed this matter at its April 2 meeting and directed Village staff to explore alternative locations on the property for the proposed training facility.

The only practical alternate location is in the northwest corner of the property in the parking lot immediately south of the detention basin along US 30. This location permits the facility to be located in compliance with the zoning district setback requirements. However, while the setback requirements are satisfied the accessory structure would be between the building and the street which is unusual but, more importantly, would require elimination of existing parking spaces in the parking lot.

There is no available space elsewhere on the property to relocate all of the required parking spaces. Eliminating parking spaces would require a zoning variation which was not included in the original request. If this location is to become the preferred location, the Fire District would need to make a new application.

Additionally, placing the training structure at this location may present a distraction to motorists on US 30 and at the Municipal Drive intersection when training activities are occurring.

Also during the discussion there were suggestions or requests to provide landscaping on the subject property to screen the proposed training facility from view from the nearby residential lots. When the fire station development was approved, landscape screening was provided along the entire length of the west property line. The Planning Commission discussed screening improvements during their deliberations but elected not to require any additional screening solutions in their recommendation.

If the Village Board wants to consider additional screening as a mitigating factor, there is a 58-foot gap in the tree line along the west property line and a 64-foot gap at the end of the driveway on the south property line that could be filled for this purpose.

There are also a couple of items of information that need clarification. First, during the Board’s discussion it was stated that the subject property as well as property that later became Prairie Glen subdivision was zone industrial when the fire station site development was approved. This is correct as Prairie Glen was rezoned and approved shortly after the fire protection district obtained their approvals to construct the fire station at this location.

Second, in the course of the discussion it was stated that Bastian Drive was to be extended west of Municipal Drive. This is not a correct statement. A private driveway serving all of the commercial development on land along the south side of US 30 is intended to align with Bastian Drive and would be located between the fire station property and the library property. The land is reserved for this purpose but it is not a public right-of-way.

During the Village Board’s discussion there were a number attributes about the proposed training facility structure and operation that deserve memorialization as conditions of approval. Village staff recommends adding the four conditions highlighted below to the Planning Commission’s conditions of approval:

1. That the accessory training structure shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with the 3D Model and Rendering received on March 14, 2019 by the Community Development Department (and attached hereto).

2. If the accessory training structure becomes obsolete for training purposes, it shall be removed from the property. The accessory training structure may not be put to another use other than training purposes without amending the special use permit.

3. That the accessory training structure may not be fitted with railings, towers, or stairs that exceed the allowed twenty-two foot and six inch (22.5 feet) structure height.

4. That the hours of operation of the accessory training structure shall be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

5. That the exterior stairs on the accessory training structure shall be secured when the facility is not in use.

6. The use of smoke during training activities is permitted only when weather permits, i.e. wind direction and/or velocity is away from the Library and residences in the Prairie Glen neighborhood.

7. That the facility’s primary purpose is for training purposes of SGFPD personnel; other mutual aid departments may use the facility for training purposes only in conjunction with SGFPD personnel.

8. That the structure be maintained at a high level, including but not limited to, fixing and repairing rust and peeling paint.

9. That no outside storage of combustible material intended to be used in the training facility be allowed.

The Fire Department explained that they have come up with an alternate sighting of the facility. It will be moved to where the shed is currently located and the shed will be placed by the refuse area. They will post trainings on the website. They post their training calendar for a year out.

The hours of training were briefly discussed and it was explained that due to starring by part-times an on call as well as full-time staff they really need until 9:00 p.m. Also, it is required that they do some evening training.

The Board approved of the new sighting and the facility, subject to the conditions outlined.


Director Speciale stated that crews did go out and plow Sunday during the unexpected 8inch spring snow storm. Trustees Lendi, Montalto, Koch and Herron expressed their appreciation of Trustee Johnson and Paluch and thanked them for their dedication to Sugar Grove and for sharing their knowledge.

Trustee Paluch thanked the Board and Citizens for allowing to work with and for them during his tenure.

Trustee Johnson’s final speech is attached to these minutes.




Mr. Morelli asked about the change order for Blackberry Creek. The project was explained – that it is was for watermain installation.


Trustee Johnson moved to adjourn to Closed Session to discussion Land Acquisition, per the exceptions to the open meetings act, taking no action and to adjourn therefrom. Trustee Paluch seconded the motion. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried. 


Motion adjourn at 7:15 p.m. by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee Montalto.
