
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Aurora East Unified School District 131 School Board met June 4


Aurora East Unified School District 131 School Board met June 4. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Facility Improvements

Summer Project List

Mr. Welter, Cordogan Clark & Assoc. presented a spreadsheet consisting of summer projects. He stated pay applications will begin in June to the contractors and a monthly status update will be provided weekly in construction meetings.

Mr. Tijerina inquired as to the process that should be taken regarding change orders. Mr. Welter stated as long as the change order does not exceed the contract allowance, the change order will be approved by Cordogan Clark and Associates. A discussion ensued regarding the percentage allowed for change orders. The Committee agreed if the amount is over 40%, an informational email will be sent to the Board.

Mr. Welter informed the Committee during the construction process, there will be communication with Buildings and Grounds as well as the building administration.

Mr. Schubert inquired if Carnow Conibear has been scheduled to be on sites. Mr. Welter stated a meeting has taken place with them regarding scheduling.

Mr. Welter informed the Committee contractors will begin work on the top floors, working their way down.

Mr. Welter shared samples for Waldo carpet, walls, lockers and floors. The wall paint will be a finish to hide imperfections in the walls. Mr. Welter asked who would be making the final decision on wall colors. He informed the Committee there are 3 colors painted on the walls at Waldo and invited them to visit and view the samples. Mr. Simpson stated the board had been displayed in the main office and the staff would like to see the dark gray on the bottom half of the walls with the light gray on the upper half of the walls.

Ms. Johnson inquired as to why the moving vendor chosen was from St. Charles and not Aurora. Mr. Tijerina stated the quotes were obtained by Rich Krischel, Cordogan Clark and Associates. Mr. Welter explained they went with people Cordogan Clark and Associates had used in the past and they were not familiar with any local movers. Discussion took place regarding the need to utilize the District purchasing agent for pricing and the need to use local contractors whenever possible.

Pricing will be obtained for the move-in process. It is also possible that District staff may be utilized for the move-in process.

Boiler Evaluation Update

Mr. Dave Allen, Cordogan Clark and Assoc. presented a handout and spoke regarding boiler evaluations. He stated the first 4 locations needed the most attention. His recommendation was to replace all 3 boilers at Bardwell Elementary.

Mr. Allen spoke on the 3 types of boilers; June Air, Steam and Hot Water and discussed the options with each type.

Mr. Tijerina shared a study and estimates for heating, controls and zones from F.E. Moran with the Committee. Discussion took place regarding the estimate. Cordogan Clark representatives will look over what was presented to determine differences and set a meeting with F.E. Moran. It was also pointed out, energy rebates have not been taken into consideration. Mr. Allen stated his evaluation was projected on a schematic sq. ft. value and abatement is not included.

Mr. Tijerina informed the Committee the steam traps at Waldo have been done in-house by maintenance staff and he will conduct a survey district wide of all steam traps.

Lighting Assessment

Mr. Welter presented a summary spreadsheet with the buildings they have been thru and a partial report of the process. The next step in the process is to put documents together to put out for bid. There is a meeting with Sustainability Partners scheduled for Wednesday to discuss the specifications and requirements.

Ms. Johnson spoke regarding Spec. Ed. Classrooms and the funds from IDEA to replace lighting. Ms. Reyes Childress stated she had sat down with principals and has a listing of classrooms/maps. She will verify the data. Ms. Johnson stated the timeline for grants is getting tight.

Ms. Schmitt spoke regarding rebates. She has applied for an extension asking for July 31 or August 31 and is still waiting for a response. She added the early bird special ended on May 31 but expects it to come back in January 2019.

Ms. Johnson spoke regarding the importance of moving forward when it comes to projects using grant funding. She would like a report to the Board if there is a big delay in projects that will cost the District money.

Mr. Welter reported the first 4 locations on the project list should be out by the end of this week, with the remaining to follow.

Mr. Welter will also be in contact with Carnow Conibear. Mr. Schubert spoke to Mr. Tijerina regarding the importance of communication with Carnow Conibear to avoid delays with the project. Discussion took place regarding the importance of ensuring the district’s Asbestos Management Plan is kept up-to-date and utilized.

Administration Center Concept Review

Mr. Welter presented the first step in the administration concept review.

Discussion ensued with the use of the present location. Mr. Welter pointed out windows, asbestos, flooring, roofing, mechanicals and electric would need to be addressed to re-use the existing building. The newer section could be saved, but the older gym section is beyond saving. Mr. Welter stated that should the Student Service Center be renovated and remain offices it would be reduced in size and as presented the cost would be around $1,785,000.

With an addition, the building could be used as a Spec. Ed/Pre school and approximately 8-12 classrooms converted for use. During the SSC review, Mr. Welter mentioned there are some identified areas of possible mold growth. Mr. Schubert inquired if Carnow Conibear had been contacted regarding the issues. Mr. Tijerina stated it is something that has been looked into and he has a call into Evan from Carnow Conibear. The estimated cost for this project would be around $6,000,000.00. Ms. Johnson suggested looking into Spec. Ed/Pre School IDEA grant funding to assist with cost.

Mr. Welter presented the concept for the administrative locations to move to the Aries “Jaybird Gonzalez” Child Service Center location. This would include an addition to the location along with expanded parking. The location would house the current Student Service Center, Teaching and Learning and Child Service Center administrative staff. Ms. Reyes Childress spoke on the importance of leaving the Technology Department at their current location on Hill Avenue due to warehousing and deliveries. She stated she had spoken to Mr. Sheldon Lou on the subject and he agreed. She also felt a closer look needs to take place with what makes sense and speaking to Dr. Norrell and the Board on thoughts. The estimated cost for this concept would be approximately $6,000,000.00.

Ms. Johnson feels it is a good time for the administration to consolidate to one location. She feels the Board needs to move forward and keep exploring. Ms. Johnson stated a decision needs to be made with what offices really need to be at the new location. Mr. Welter stated after discussion and decisions, new drawings will be provided. Mr. Darby would like to see all the little pieces put together and a final concept presented to the Committee/Board.

Ms. Johnson does not feel the District can afford to do both projects. Ms. Johnson would like to keep on the agenda for constant discussion.

Dedication Plaque

Mr. Welter presented diagrams of dedication plaques. Committee agreed to move forward with the plaque for Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy and to hold on the Child Service Center until a determination is made for the plaque name. Discussion also ensued regarding the name of the plaque for EAHS. It was determined by the Committee EAHS plaque would read East High School of Aurora 2017 to keep the official name.

Grant Update

Ms. Margo Schmitt presented the playground update. The district has made it to the last phase of the Kaboom Bardwell playground. The funder is unknown at the present time, and the District has met all criteria. She has requested the build date to be either October 13 or October 20. Ms. Schmitt will work with buildings and grounds to prepare in advance.

Dr. Twila Garza presented photos of the playground asphalt that exists at Bardwell with approximately 40 holes/ridges. She informed the committee there have been injuries due to the condition of the surface.

Discussion took place regarding the placement/repositioning of the new playground to another area along with painted lines for soccer and kickball. The remainder of the playground is in need of resurfacing. Mr. Darby suggested getting the sq. footage to resurface around the new playground and obtain bids. Mr. Welter stated a rubber surface could be priced as an alternate, however cars would not be able to drive on the rubber surface.

Discussion also took place in regards making a green surface on the playground. It was determined that a green surface would limit the space that could be utilized on a daily basis due to weather conditions.

Dr. Garza gave thanks to Ms. Schmitt for all her work regarding the project.

Ms. Schmitt presented Gardens Galore partnered with VNA. She stated the District has received approximately $400,000 over the last 2 years allocated towards gardens. There is currently a garden at EAHS, 5 farmer school gardens and 33 tower gardens. Produce from the farmer school gardens can go into the classrooms. The District will be featured at Green Fest on September 22. She informed the Committee the District Building Trades and Welding classes have assisted with building of planting boxes and trellis.

EAHS Parking Lot

Mr. Tijerina reported the sidewalk will be installed June 5th with landscaping by the end of the week. Mr. Tijerina stated he knows there were questions regarding the height. He reported there are no code violations, everything is within code. Mr. Darby expressed it is not quite within ADA guidelines, however it is not an ADA parking area. He felt it matches the other cutouts that are nearby and flows with matching the height of the other sidewalk and curb. He feels it is within normal construction practices.

Ms. Johnson stated the parking lot looks out of place. She feels there will be a problem with cars backing up and coming/going during the day.

Mr. Schubert questioned Mr. Tijerina regarding if this was his expectation of the parking lot. Mr. Tijerina stated it was his expectation and with the striping was able to gain 2 additional parking spaces. He added the total cost for the parking lot was under $14,000.00. The sidewalk was part of the original scope of work and will have a 2% slope.

Ms. Johnson stated she feels after spending so much money at EAHS, the parking lot has ruined the looks of the front of the building and it is dangerous. She inquired who the contractor was on the project. Mr. Tijerina informed the Committee the contractor was Quality Blacktop. He also stated prior to the start of work, he had City of Aurora, Aurora Fire Dept. and ROE all view site and all felt it was acceptable for placement of the parking lot. The contractor does not feel he is responsible for the errors of the sidewalk or height of curbing.

Mr. Schubert and Ms. Johnson feel an error was made with the parking lot installation. Mr. Darby does not agree and stated it is within normal construction practices. Ms. Johnson added it is a poor design and location and Mr. Schubert stated it was not installed as intended. Mr. Darby feels it is acceptable. Mr. Tijerina stated the sidewalk is due to go in tomorrow and landscape by end of week. Committee agreed to hold on sidewalk and take to full Board for discussion.

Meeting adjourned 6:55pm
