Batavia City Council met July 2.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
1.Meeting Called To Order
2.Invocation Followed By Pledge Of Allegiance
3.Roll Call
4.Items Removed/Added/Changed
5.Consent Agenda
(The consent agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff or council subcommittees which require approval. This agenda is placed as a separate item on the overall City Council agenda. The items on the consent agenda usually have unanimous committee support and are voted on as a "package" in the interest of saving time on non-controversial issues. However, the Mayor or any council member may, by simple request, remove an item from the consent agenda to have it voted upon separately.)
A. June 29, 2018 Payroll $835,675.22
B. Accounts Payable Check Register $3,263,119.32
C. Resolution 18-75-R: Approving a Plat of Subdivision for City Hall – Peg Bond Center Subdivision (100 and 150 North Island Avenue) (DMR 6/20/18 COW 6/26/18 12/0) CD
D. Ordinance 18-46: Grant of Variance for a Monument Sign at 76 South Randall Road, Burrito Parilla Mexicana. Paul Rzewuski, Comet Neon Signs, Applicant
(DMR 6/20/18 COW 6/26/18 12/0) CD
E. Ordinance 18-47: Annexing Part of 1381 Chautauqua Street
(SB 6/8/18 COW 6/26/18 12/0) CD
F. Ordinance 18-49: Annexing Pine Street-South Van Buren Area
(SB 6/28/18 COW 6/26/18 12/0) CD
G. Resolution 18-81-R: Authorizing the Execution of a Reciprocal Reporting Agreement between the City of Batavia Police Department and the Batavia School District 101
(DME 6/20/18 COW 6/26/18 12/0) GS
6.Matters From The Public: (For Items Not On The Agenda)
7.Chamber Of Commerce
8.Resolution 18-82-R: Change Order No. 5 With Williams Brothers Construction Inc. (BR 6/20/18 COW 6/26/18 12/0) PU
9.Res 18-82-R Change Order 5 Phase 1 WWTP Rehabilitation Project.pdf
10.Administrator's Report
11.Committee Reports
12.Other Business
13.Mayor's Report