City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met April 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – April 11, 2018
Special Presentations and Reports - None
Initiatives and Other Items
A.Consideration of Engineering Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises Inc. for a Lead Service Line Replacement Program Implementation Plan ($48,392)
Objective: Provide engineering services to ensure that the City provides safe water to all constituents.
B. Consideration of Engineering Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises Inc. for the 2018 Residential Resurfacing (East) Program ($64,400)
Objective: Analyze, design and prepare construction documents for the resurfacing of various residential streets for the 2018 Residential Resurfacing (East) area, which is generally located between McBride Street and Dundee Avenue and Kimball Street and Lincoln Avenue.
C. Consideration of Engineering Services Agreement with HR Green Inc. for the 2018 – 2021 Bridge Inspection Program ($125,539 over four years)
Objective: Provide mandatory inspection, analysis and reporting to insure quality infrastructure and maintain the City’s investment in the highway bridges.
D. Consideration of License Agreement with Cook’s Ice Cream LLC to Vend Ice Cream at Festival Park (No cost to the City)
Objective: Provide additional amenities for Festival Park visitors.
E. Consideration of Intergovernmental Agreement to Transfer Certain Real Property to Hanover Township (No cost to the City)
Objective: Transfer certain property to Hanover Township to utilize in conjunction with adjoining township properties for recreational and other public purposes.
F. Consideration of Metro West Council of Government Membership Renewal ($30,000)
Objective: Maintain membership with a council of governments comprised of far west suburban area municipalities organized to advance regional issues through intergovernmental problem solving and cooperation.
G. Discussion of Tobacco 21 Initiative (Mayor Kaptain)
Tobacco 21 is a national campaign focused on raising the minimum age for tobacco and nicotine sales to 21.
H. Discussion Of Citizen Police Review Commission (Councilwoman Powell, Councilman Dixon)
Provide staff with direction for the purpose of researching and presenting a proposal for a citizen commission that would advise the chief of police, mayor and city council on matters concerning police conduct and community relations.
Announcements from Council
Announcements from Staff