
Kane County Reporter

Friday, January 3, 2025

City of Geneva City Council met March 5.


City of Geneva City Council met March 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Call To Order:

The March 5, 2018 meeting of the Geneva City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall by Mayor Kevin Burns. Aldermen present: Mike Bruno, Craig Maladra, Robert Swanson, Becky Hruby, Richard Marks, Jim Radecki, Don Cummings, Jeanne McGowan Aldermen Attending by Teleconference: Dean Kilburg Aldermen absent: Tara Burghart Also attending: City Atty. Charles Radovich, City Clerk Roger Godskesen, City Administrator Stephanie Dawkins, Public Works Director Rich Babica, Finance Director Rita Kruse, Fire Chief Mike Antenore, Police Chief Eric Passarelli, Police Commander Julie Nash, Community Development Director David DeGroot, Economic Development Director Cathleen Tymoszenko

Pledge Of Allegiance:

Led by Geneva Fire Chief Antenore and Police Chief Passarelli

Public Hearings, Special Items And Presentations:

Presentation on FY19 Draft Budget and FY20 Budget Planning by City Administrator Stephanie Dawkins

Dawkins gave an overview for the Fiscal Year 2019 and some highlights for the Fiscal Year 2020 budgets for the city, the process for presenting and approving the budget, along with a reminder that a budget is simply a plan. The proposed budget presented was a cumulation of many meetings with department heads. Goals for the budget included a zero percent increase, no new Full-Time positions and to keep services provided by the City at the current level.

The budget is comprised of 37 individual budgets, each standing on its own. This means that the dollars included in each budget stay in that budget and are not used for other purposes.

Dawkins defined different types and categories of funds in more depth, how they are defined, used and administered by the City. Dawkins talked in more detail about the big three funds, General, Electric and Water/Waste-Water Funds. Included were how revenue streams to the City have been either flat or declining, and how the City has adapted to funding as a result of these changes

She summarized the upcoming steps in the budget process with a timeline for evaluating and adopting the budget.

Aldermen Kilburg and Bruno commended Dawkins and the City staff for their efforts and on the quality of the presentation. Alderman McGowan added her compliments on the presentation and asked for clarification on the impact on the proposed sales tax increase between FY 19 and FY 20.

Amendments To Agenda:


Omnibus Agenda:

All Items listed on the Omnibus Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member or citizen so requests in which event the item will be removed from the Omnibus (Consent) Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve the Omnibus Agenda as amended.

Roll call:

Ayes: 9 Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Nays: 0 Motion Carried

Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 20, 2018 and Special Meeting on February 26, 201

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried



Council Committees:

Committee Of The Whole: March 12, 2018.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Other Items And Correspondence:

Recommend Setting the FY2018-19 Budget Public Hearing for Monday, April 2, 2018

Moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Bruno to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. Motion Carried

Municipal Bills For Payment

The following bills were presented for payment.

Bills Presented For Payment 3/5/2018

General Fund $ 76,887.36

Cultural Arts Fund 124.00

Spac 905.99

Beautification Fund 45.51

Restricted Police Fines 1,665.00

Tri-Com Fund 31,422.66

PEG 380.42

SSA # 1 2,431.34

SSA # 16 12,165.32

Infrastructure Capital Proj 149,001.54

Capital Equipment 7,967.50

Electric 346,162.48

Water/Wastewater 58,334.52

Refuse 44.94

Commuter Parking 6,146.84

Group Dental 2,883.20

Utility Refunds 586.90


Total Funds $ 697,155.52

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Hruby that the bills be approved and vouchers prepared. Roll Call:

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Committee Of The Whole Items Of Business:

Accept 2017 Key Themes Report and Engagement Summary as Prepared by Thomas P. Miller & Associates

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Presentation Of Ordinances, Petitions, Resolutions, And Bid Awards:


New Business:



There being no further business, moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Hruby to adjourn the Geneva City Council meeting. Carried unanimously by voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
