
Kane County Reporter

Friday, January 3, 2025

City of Geneva City Council met March 19.

Meeting 11

City of Geneva City Council met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Call To Order:

The March 19, 2018 meeting of the Geneva City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall by Mayor Kevin Burns. Aldermen present: Mike Bruno, Craig Maladra, Robert Swanson, Becky Hruby, Richard Marks, Jim Radecki, Tara Burghart, Don Cummings, Jeanne McGowan Aldermen attending by Teleconference: Dean Kilburg Aldermen absent: None Also attending: City Atty. Ron Sandack, City Administrator Stephanie Dawkins, City Clerk Roger Godskesen, Public Works Director Rich Babica, Finance Director Rita Kruse, Electrical Division Superintendent Hal Wright, Administrative Intern Chris Ranney

Pledge Of Allegiance:

Led by Ald. Dean Kilburg

Public Hearings, Special Items And Presentations:

Presentation of Geneva’s Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) by Administrative Intern Chris Ranney

Mayor Burns introduced Chris Ranney and welcomed him to the lectern. Ranney noted that the City has received an award for this report from the Government Finance Officers Association for the second year running. He described how the report is evaluated and how the award is earned. The report is designed to be easy to use for members of the public who may not have expertise in finance.

Ranney gave an overview of the report including organization, contents and layout. The report emphasizes the three main funds for the city; General Fund, Electric and Water/Waste Water. He continued with a detailed recap of his approach to creating the report, and how he included highlights about the City, and reference information for the public throughout it

Mayor Burns asked about his plans for the future. Ranney reported that he has been with the City as an intern for two years, and City administrator Stephanie Dawkins made an announcement that Ranney would be joining the City as a full-time management analyst upon his graduation in May.

Mayor Burns and Ald. Burghart gave congratulations to Ranney for his accomplishments and for continuing on with the City.

Amendments To Agenda:


Omnibus Agenda:

All Items listed on the Omnibus Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member or citizen so requests in which event the item will be removed from the Omnibus (Consent) Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve the Omnibus Agenda as amended.

Roll call:

Ayes: 10 (Ald. Bruno, Burghart, Cummings, Hruby, Kilburg, Maladra, Marks, McGowan, Radecki, Swanson)

Nays: 0 Motion Carried

Approve Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting on March 5, 2018

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Approve Reports:

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Council Committees:

Committee Of The Whole: March 26, 2018.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Other Items And Correspondence:

Discussion Regarding the Enterprise and Miscellaneous Funds FY19 and FY20 Budgets.

Mayor Burns asked the Council for any questions regarding the topic. Ald. Radecki asked for clarification on a revenue funding increase in the electric fund. City Administrator Dawkins and Electrical Division Superintendent Hal Wright explained that the increase is a re-appropriation for capital projects to invest in capital projects for the system. Ald. Radecki also asked about increase in Commuter Parking. Dawkins explained that the bulk of the increase is due to a necessary software update for the ticketing system. Ald. Radecki also asked about Group Dental; Dawkins explained that the budget number is a worst-case estimate, that the actual amount spent for claims for the current year was less than budgeted, and that any unused excess is put into the fund.

Municipal Bills For Payment

The following bills were presented for payment.

Bills Presented For Payment 3/19/2018

General Fund 142,193.25

Cultural Arts Fund 634.50

Spac Fund 1,041.83

Tourism Fund 155,567.36

Restricted Police Fines 954.00

Tri-Com Fund 5,484.49

SSA # 1 19,569.47

SSA # 5 250.00

SSA # 16 9,240.00

Debt Service Fund 450.00

General Capital Projects 5,135.00

Infrastructure Capital Proj 7,225.63

Electric 2,242,502.61

Water/Wastewater 85,862.38

Refuse 72.91

Cemetery 979.01

Commuter Parking 11,205.33

Group Dental 8,907.15

Workers Compensation 900.00

Utility Refunds 787.78

Total Funds 2,698,962.70

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Hruby that the bills be approved and vouchers prepared. Roll Call:

Ayes: 10 (Ald. Bruno, Burghart, Cummings, Hruby, Kilburg, Maladra, Marks, McGowan, Radecki, Swanson)

Nays: 0 Motion Carried

Committee Of The Whole Items Of Business

Approve Special Event Application for Fox Valley Marathon Sunday September 16, 2018.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Approve Resolution No. 2018-17 Requesting Closure of IL Routes 31 and 38 for Fox Valley Marathon September 16, 2018.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Approve Special Event Application for Swedish Days Festival June 19-24, 2018.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Approve Special Event Application for Geneva Arts Fair July 28-29, 2018.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Approve Resolution No. 2018-18 Authorizing Execution of First Amendment to Lease for Parking Lot at St. Mark’s Church Located at 320 Franklin Street.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Approve Resolution No. 2018-19 Authorizing Execution of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with WBK Engineering in an Amount Not to Exceed $15,350 Plus Optional Printing Reimbursements for the Southeast Subarea Plan Infrastructure Costs Data and Exhibits Update.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Approve Resolution No. 2018-20 Authorizing Execution of Two-Year City Facility Interior Cleaning Service Contract with City Wide Building Maintenance Inc. in the Amount of $83,283.30.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Approve Resolution No. 2018-21 Authorizing Annual Publication of City Zoning Map.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Marks to approve motion as presented. Approved by unanimous roll call vote. (Omnibus Agenda). Motion Carried

Presentation Of Ordinances, Petitions, Resolutions, And Bid Awards:


New Business:

Alderman Bruno gave a shout out to the public works department for their timely restoration of electrical power resulting from the Commonwealth Edison outage that affected approximately 60% of the City on March 19.


There being no further business, moved by Ald. Marks, seconded by Ald. Bruno to adjourn the Geneva City Council meeting. Carried unanimously by voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
