
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Village of Sugar Grove Board met December 5.

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Village of Sugar Grove Board met December 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Michels opened the meeting at 6:00 pm and asked that Trustee Montalto lead the pledge lead the Pledge. The roll was then called.

Present: President Michels, Trustee Herron, Trustee Koch, Trustee Montalto, Trustee Johnson, and Trustee Paluch

Quorum Established.

Also Present:

Administrator Eichelberger, Clerk Galbreath, Finance Director Anastasia, Community Development Director Magdziarz, Attorney Andersson, Director of Public Works Speciale, Chief of Police Rollins.

Public Hearings:

Annexation Agreement – Heartland Recycling Harter Road Project

President Michels opened the public hearing at 6:01 p.m. and stated that public comment would be deferred to a date certain that being January 23, 2018 in the Board Room, Village Hall, 10 S. Municipal Drive, at 6:00 p.m.

Appointments And Presentations:

Distinguished Budget Award-

President Michels congratulated Finance Director Anastasia and his staff on receiving the prestigious Distinguished Budget Award.

Public Comments On Items Scheduled For Action:

President Michels called for any public comment. No member of the stepped forward and this item was closed.

Attorney Coughlin noted that he was in attendance.

Consent Agenda:

a. Approval: Minutes November 21, 2017

b. Approval: Vouchers

c. Resolution: Review of Closed Session Minutes

d. Ordinance: Tax Levy for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019

e. Ordinance: Tax Levy of the Mallard Point Special Assessment for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019

f. Resolution: Declaring Notice of Sixth Installment, Accrual of Interest and Adoption of Special Assessment Supplemental Bond and Procedures Act

g. Ordinance: Abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2017 to pay debt service on $2,640,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2006

h. Ordinance: Abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2017 to pay debt service on $2,585,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2008A

i. Ordinance: Abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2017 to pay debt service on $2,930,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2009

j. Ordinance: Abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2017 to pay debt service on $5,460,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2013A

k. Ordinance: Amending Outdoor Commercial Lighting

Trustee Johnson moved to Approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Paluch seconded the motion. President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried

Closed Session:

Trustee Johnson moved to adjourn to Closed Session to discuss Land Acquisition as per the exceptions to the open meeting act taking no action. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried

Trustee Johnson moved to reconvene to Closed Session to Open Session. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. President Michels called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried

General Business:

Resolution Authorizing an Engineering Services Agreement for a Water Main Trustee Johnson moved to Adopt a Resolution Authorizing an Engineering Services Agreement for a Water Main. Trustee Herron seconded the motion. Hearing no discussion President Michels then called for a roll call vote.

Motion Carried.

Public Comments:

Mr. James Leeder presented information to the Board and Clerk that he asked be viewed and considered prior to their decision on the possible Heartland Recycling reqest for annexation. He then read a notice of pending violations from IEPA.

A Resident asked why no members of the Board were present at the Plan Commission. It was commented that two members of the Board were in attendance.

Karen McCannon asked that the speed limit be posted in her neighborhood.

Mr. Knive asked the Board to be sure to read his email regarding Heartland.

Mr. Matthews stated that when reciting the Pledge that there is no pause in the sentence One Nation Under God.

Discussion Items:

Mid-Year Budget Review-

Finance Director Anastasia reported that as of October 31, 2017, the Village was through the first half of the fiscal year. Staff has projected revenues and expenditures for the General Fund, the Capital Projects Fund, Infrastructure Capital Projects Fund, the two TIFs, Debt Service, Sugar Grove Center, the Waterworks and Sewerage Fund and Refuse Fund through the end of fiscal year 2017 - 2018.

The General Fund revenues are expected to be lower than budget by approximately $117,000 and expenditures are expected to be higher than budget by approximately $212,000. This is projected to result in a decrease to the fund balance by about $222,000, as compared to the budget increase of $107,592. Notable variances to budget include:

1. Utility Tax - Telecommunications are expected to be below budget by $22,500 due to lower volume and costs for telecommunications. This is also a direct relation to the population within the State. Funds are distributed Per Capita.

2. Towing fees revenue will be below budget by $17,000 due to a change in State Law on offenses that result in a tow.

3. State Income Tax receipts are expected to be $80,700 higher than budget. The State gave 2 extra payments within the fiscal year to catch up and be current. This increase in payments, coupled with the reduction in LGDF money distributed will still be beneficial to the Village in the current fiscal year only.

4. State Sales Tax receipts are expected to be $32,000 higher than budget, however, the State Sales Tax Rebate is also going to exceed their budget by $53,152 due to the success of the new gas station, Culvers and Dunkin Donuts that opened within the Village.

5. State Use Tax will be lower than budget by about $39,900 due to the decrease in State revenues being distributed to the local governments.

6. Total expenses for the Public Works - Street Division are anticipated to be higher than budget by $175,780 due to the timing of the FY17 salt purchase allotment and the late receipt (past end of fiscal year) invoice as well as the emergency repairs for the Mallard Point sinkhole repairs.

7. The Community Development department expenses will be over budget by $43,000 due to the increase costs of outsourcing the building inspections and plan reviews as well as the transition of the part-time planning and zoning administrator position to a full-time positon beginning January 1st.

8. The Finance Department expenses will be below budget by $10,000 due to the property taxes for the 140 Municipal Dr. building being taken off the Village's bill and separately paid by the tenant.

The General Capital Projects Fund is on target with the budgeted revenues and expenses.

In the Tax Increment Financing District #1, property tax revenues are above budget by $103,000 due to an increase in EAV within the TIF boundaries causing a higher increment. The only expenses in the fiscal year are the Illinois Tax Increment Association membership as well as the annual conferences (2). There is a projected increase in Fund Balance of $185,000. Administrator Eichelberger stated that it is the intent of staff to bring forward improvements to District 1 soon.

In the Tax Increment Financing District #2, property tax revenues are above budget by $24,000 due to an increase in EAV within the TIF boundaries causing a higher increment to the Village. The other professional services are the major expenses due to the potential redevelopment project within the TIF.

The Capital Infrastructure Fund is projecting a deficit for the fiscal year due to the infrastructure projects being completed with the on-hand fund balance.

The Sugar Grove Center Fund budgeted $24,401 for weed control. However, the majority of the expenses for the cleanup have been complete leaving a favorable outcome for the fund.

The Waterworks and Sewerage Fund operating water and sewer sales revenue are expected to be $463,400 higher than budget due to usage and accurate readings with the new meters. Expenditures are anticipated to be in line with budget.

The Water Capital expenses are expected to be over budget by about $508,000 due to timing of project costs and settlement amount for the Settlers Ridge to Prestbury water main project. President Michels asked if the program could be continued during the winter as the funds appear to be available. It was answered that UMI does gas meters in the winter and that it is harder to locate the b-box for water shut off during the winter. However, staff will continue to replace in house as needed.

The Refuse Fund expenses are nearly $23,000 lower than budgeted due to favorable costs for refuse and recycling collection with the new company, D.C. Trash.


Reports from all liaisons were given. President Michels stated that EDC holiday social went very well and thanked the CD staff for their assistance.

Airport Report:

Mr. Wolf stated that the sale of the land to the park district is moving along and it is anticipated that it will be final in early 2018.


Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
