
Kane County Reporter

Monday, March 31, 2025

Aurora West Unit School District 129 Board of Education met March 20

Aurora West Unit School District 129 Board of Education met Monday, March 20.

West Aurora School District 129 is located at 80 S. River St., Aurora.

West Aurora School District 129 Board of Education

Open Session Meeting for Monday, March 20, 2017


Note for the file: These minutes do not reflect the sequence for voting which, at the Board Meeting, is rotated in accordance with Board Policy 2:220.

Board Members Present:

Robert Gonzalez, Allyson Herget, Neal Ormond, Amie Thompson, Valerie Brown Dykstra, Robert Patterson, Ira Lathan

Board Members Absent:


Board Secretary:

Joy Engfer

Administration present:

Dr. Jeff Craig – Superintendent, Dr. Brent Raby – Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Angie Smith – Assistant Superintendent of Operations, and Dr. Michael Smith – Executive Director of Human Resources

Meeting called to order at 6:07 PM.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: 1.1 Call to Order

Robert Gonzalez, Board President, called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to call the roll.

Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call

Upon the roll call, all members of the Board were present.

Procedural: 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance

Robert Gonzalez, Board President, led the pledge of allegiance.

2. Recognitions

Recognition: 2.1 Recognition of Visitors

The following members of the audience wished to have their presence recognized, Fearn Elementary, Freeman Elementary, Goodwin Elementary, Herget Middle School, Hill Middle School, West Aurora High School, AEA-W, Board Candidate Christopher Sparks, Board Candidate Rich Kerns, and Board Candidate Joe Grisson.

Procedural: 2.2 Public Comment: Identification of Audience wishing to address the Board

There were no members of the audience that wished to address the Board.

Information, Recognition: 2.3 School Spotlight

Tony Martinez, Director of Community Affairs, introduced Dave Russell. Dave Russell, principal of Fearn Elementary school addressed the Board regarding the four, fifth grade students recognized. The students that were chosen had been selected by the fifth grade teachers. Dave introduced each student and read their student biography that was written by their teachers. The students recognized were Aldo Magana, Carson Bantz, Abi Dietlin, and Leslie Gutierrez. The Board congratulated the recognized students and commented on all of their accomplishments. They are very proud that they attend school in our District and they look forward to seeing all of their future accomplishments. The Board broke for pictures.

Information, Recognition: 2.4 Special Recognition

Tony Martinez, Director of Community Affairs, introduced Jason Buckley. Jason Buckley, Athletic Director, addressed the Board regarding all of the winter sports conference champions and state qualifiers. He began by commenting on the success that all of the athletes have seen in the classroom and summarized some of the GPAs. The first recognition went to Isaac Jacquez. He was a boys wrestling state qualifier. Next up was the head bowling coach to recognize Paytynn Kuhns, who finished 9th place at the state tournament. The coach mentioned that she is excited to watch her career unfold and is looking forward to watch her success in college. The men’s swimming head coach then introduced Tyler McLaren and Owen Zant who were both state qualifiers this year. He mentioned the qualifications that were earned throughout the swimming season for both of the boys. Owen is a sophomore and Tyler is a junior so we will still see lots more success from both of these boys. Finally, Jason introduced the boys’ basketball team. He started by bringing up Coach Johnson. Coach Johnson outlined that the boys’ basketball team were both conference and regional champions this year. He introduced the members of the team that were in attendance at the meeting. The Board then commented on how proud they are of all of the successes that were accomplished throughout the season. The Board then broke for pictures.

3. Consent Agenda

Action (Consent): 3.1 Approval of the Consent Agenda for March 20, 2017

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the items contained in the Consent Agenda for March 20, 2017.

A motion was made by Mrs. Amie Thompson, second by Mr. Ira Lathan that the Board of Education approve the items contained in the Consent Agenda for March 20, 2017.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mr. Neal Ormond, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Robert Patterson, Mr. Ira Lathan

Note: All items approved within the consent agenda are listed below.

Action (Consent), Minutes: 3.2 Approval of Minutes from the March 6, 2017 Open and Closed Board of Education Meetings

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the minutes from the March 6, 2017 open and closed board of education meetings.

Action (Consent), Minutes: 3.3 Approval of Minutes from the March 13, 2017 SPECIAL Open Board of Education Workshop

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the minutes from the March 13, 2017 open Board of Education workshop.

Action (Consent): 3.4 Approval of Bill Listing for March 20, 2017

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the bill listing for March 20, 2017.

Action (Consent): 3.5 Approval of the Personnel Report for March 20, 2017

Dr. Michael Smith, Executive Director of Human Resources, addressed the Board to point out two new additions to the District administration. He began by introducing Janice Gont. Janice was just approved as the Curriculum Coordinator of Special Education. Dr. Smith summarized her accomplishments and Janice thanked the Board for the opportunity. Dr. Smith then introduced Daniel Ulrich. Daniel was just approved as the Principal of McCleery Elementary. Dr. Smith summarized Daniel's accomplishments that led him to this position. Daniel thanked the Board for the opportunity.

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the Personnel Report for March 20, 2017.

Action (Consent): 3.6 Technology Disposal

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the disposal of a list of technology items, as previously presented.

Action (Consent): 3.7 Purchase of Boom Lift

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the purchase of a boom lift, as previously presented.

Action (Consent): 3.8 2017 Grand Victoria Riverboat Grant Application

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the application for the Grand Victoria Riverboat Grant Application, as previously presented.

4. Information

Information: 4.1 School Improvement Plan - Fearn Elementary School

Dr. Brent Raby, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, introduced Dave Russel. Dave Russel, Principal of Fearn Elementary, thanked the Board for the opportunity to address them regarding their school improvement plan. In order for Fearn to make progress, there was a goal to achieve a 5% growth as measured by Performance Series/ISEL scores. Fearn will expect 70% of students to receive a growth score higher than 0.00, as measured by ECRA. Dave also stated that 100% of teachers will participate in embedded professional development. Lucas Baughman, Assistant Principal of Fearn, then outlined some of the ways the school sets the stage for success. Fearn has created a Behavior Committee, Kids Hope, and a Check-in and Check-out program. Lucas outlined all of these programs and how they enhance positive student behavior. Principal Russell then took the Board through the available reading and math data by grade level. Each grade level had their own action step and goal. Lucas then spoke on some of the challenges that Fearn has faced this school year. When talking about professional development, it was noticed that teachers needed to change their strategies in order to fit the needs of the students. Teachers from Fearn spoke in regards to professional development opportunities that the staff members attend, in order to create best practices and enhance teaching lessons. Dave ended with photos of students and these are a reminder of why they do what they do. The Board stated that the presentation was very well done. The hard work has shown in their successes. The entire presentation can be found on BoardDocs.

Information: 4.2 Renewal - Fox Valley Career Center (FVCC) Joint Agreement - Step 1

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, introduced Cynthia Garcia. Cynthia Garcia, Director of Extended Learning & Career Pathways, addressed the Board regarding the annual renewal of the Fox Valley Career Center Joint Agreement. The form has not changed and is the same agreement as in previous years. The Board asked about the timeline for our own facility to be up and running and when we would have to give FVCC notice of withdrawal. Notice would need to be a year in advance. This will go for approval on the consent agenda at the April 3, 2017 meeting.

Information: 4.4 Prior Trip Approval

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, outlined a prior trip approval request from the World Languages Department at West High. The board mentioned the program and how well this is put together. This will go for approval on the consent agenda at the April 3, 2017 meeting.

Information: 4.5 Health Life Safety Comprehensive List

Angie Smith, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, introduced Pat Callahan and Jeff Schiller. Pat, Studio GC, and Jeff, Director of Operations, stated that the Health Life Safety list categorizes and identifies items that are in need of attention. Items on the Summer Capital Projects list need to be attended to first. The Board will receive the comprehensive lists before the next meeting.

Information: 4.6 2017 Summer Capital Projects

Pat Callahan and Jeff Schiller stated that we are looking to use available health life safety dollars and some budgeted money. This list contains items that are most important to attend to fixing. Jeff Schiller went through the proposed list by building. He also stated that any work that can be done in house will be, in order to save money. The proposed capital projects for the summer will potentially be at Greenman Elementary, West Aurora High School, Freeman Elementary School, and Jefferson Middle School. All of these projects will go out to bid and then the bids will be brought back for approval.

Information: 4.7 Science Classroom Project

Pat Callahan, Studio GC, spoke on the West Aurora High School science lab project that will begin this summer. This project is within the budget of the generous donation that was received from the Dunham Foundation. This will include a complete renovation to the science labs, prep room, and other areas of the science wing. This work will also go out for bid and all recommendations will come back to the Board for approval.

Information: 4.8 Interfund Loan

Ryan Abrahamson, Director of Finance, mentioned that this is an extension of other things that have been discussed. This loan would allow the District to bridge the gap to fund capital projects while waiting to hear what our QSCB allocation will be. This will be brought to the Board for approval on the April 3, 2017 meeting.

Information: 4.9 Natural Gas Contract Renewal

Ryan Abrahamson stated that our current contract runs out next month. Ryan suggested to wait and see where the costs will go and not lock in to an agreement yet. This is very similar to dollar cost averaging. This will be brought for discussion at next meeting.

Information: 4.10 Community Affairs Update to the Board

Tony Martinez, Director of Community Affairs, mentioned that there have been a lot of great events occurring throughout the District. He highlighted the impressive Candidate Forum that was put on at Aurora University. This was a positive event for our District. He gave an update on the AFJROTC and mentioned the outstanding job they did at their tournament. Tony also highlighted all of the March news articles that the District was mentioned in throughout the media outlets. The entire update can be found on BoardDocs.

5. Discussion

Discussion: 5.1 Student Fee Proposal

Angie Smith, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, mentioned that the new presentation had follow up answers to previous questions. One slide outlined what the schools considered competitive clubs and activities. We are one of the very few Districts that cover all of the costs for participation national competitions. Angie stated that the District suggestion needs to think about how we handle these costs of participation. She also outlined data regarding multi-sport athletes. The numbers of participants have been relatively consistent over the past few years. The original proposal changed slightly and now the suggestion is to go to 100-50-25. She also outlined the updated proposal for parking fees. The slide outlined some of our neighboring Districts and what their parking fees look like. For the parking, the zones have not been officially identified. The Board asked questions regarding making sure we are not creating any "have" or "have not" situations. The Board asked questions and commented on the updated proposals.

6. Action

Action: 6.1 Board of Education Recommendation for the School Facility Demolition Work

A motion was made by Mr. Ira Lathan, second by Mr. Neal Ormond that the Board of Education approve the recommendation to award the contract for the School Facility Demolition Work to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder, KLF Enterprises Inc. for a base bid of $440,193.00.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mr. Neal Ormond, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Robert Patterson, Mr. Ira Lathan

Action: 6.2 RESOLUTION Authorizing Dismissal of Full-Time Teacher(s) in Last Year of Probationary Service

A motion was made by Mr. Ira Lathan, second by Mr. Neal Ormond that the Board of Education approve the RESOLUTION authorizing dismissal of full-time teacher(s) in last year of probationary service. WHEREAS, the teacher hereinafter set forth is completing her last year of probationary teaching service during the 2016-2017 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education of West Aurora School District No. 129, Kane County, Illinois (the “Board of Education”), has determined that the full-time, non-tenured teacher hereinafter set forth shall be dismissed at the end of the 2016-2017 school term, pursuant to Section 5/24-11 of The Illinois School Code, in conformance with, and for the reasons set forth in, the Exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of West Aurora School District No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That B. Sheldon, a full-time non-tenured teacher, shall be dismissed at the end of the 2016-2017 school term, in conformance with, and for the reasons set forth in, the Exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teacher set forth above a written notice of dismissal by first class mail at least forty-five (45) days before the end of the school term, in conformance with, and for the reasons set forth in, the Exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teacher set forth above a written notice of dismissal by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the end of the school term, in conformance with, and for the reasons set forth in, the Exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 4: That the Superintendent or his/her designee shall personally deliver, with receipt, a written notice of dismissal to the teacher set forth above at least forty-five (45) days before the end of the school term, in conformance with, and for the reasons set forth in, the Exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 5: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its passage.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-1)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mr. Neal Ormond, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Robert Patterson, Mr. Ira Lathan

Nay: Mrs. Amie Thompson

Action: 6.3 RESOLUTION Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Grant-Funded, Non-Tenured Teachers

That the Board of Education approve the RESOLUTION authorizing non-reemployment of grant-funded, non-tenured teachers. WHEREAS, the grant-funded teachers hereinafter set forth were engaged to work through the end of the grant funding during the 2016-2017 school year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of West Aurora School District, No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, has determined that the temporary, non-tenured teachers hereinafter set forth shall not be reemployed for the 2017-2018 school term, consistent with The Illinois School Code. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of West Aurora School District, No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the following grant funded temporary teachers shall not be reemployed for the 2017-2018 school term in conformance with the Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by first class mail at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 3: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially as set forth in the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 4: That the Superintendent or his/her designee shall personally deliver, with receipt, a written notice of non-reemployment to the teachers set forth above at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 5: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-1)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mr. Neal Ormond, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Robert Patterson, Mr. Ira Lathan

Nay: Mrs. Amie Thompson

Action: 6.4 RESOLUTION Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Short Term, Temporary, Non-Tenured Teachers

A motion was made by Mr. Robert Patterson, second by Mrs. Allyson Herget that the Board of Education approve the RESOLUTION authorizing non-reemployment of short term, temporary, non-tenured teachers. WHEREAS, the temporary teachers hereinafter set forth were engaged to work for temporary short term service during the 2016-2017 school year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of West Aurora School District, No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, has determined that the temporary, non-tenured teachers hereinafter set forth shall not be reemployed for the 2017-2018 school term, consistent with The Illinois School Code. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of West Aurora School District, No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the following short-term temporary teachers shall not be reemployed for the 2017-2018 school term in conformance with the Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by first class mail at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 3: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially as set forth in the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 4: That the Superintendent or his/her designee shall personally deliver, with receipt, a written notice of non-reemployment to the teachers set forth above at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 5: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-1)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mr. Neal Ormond, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Robert Patterson, Mr. Ira Lathan

Nay: Mrs. Amie Thompson

Action: 6.5 RESOLUTION Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Full-Time, Non-Tenured Teacher(s) Not in Last Year of Probationary Service

A motion was made by Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, second by Mr. Robert Patterson that the Board of Education approve the RESOLUTION authorizing non-reemployment of full-time, non-tenured teacher(s) not in last year of probationary service. WHEREAS, the full-time teacher(s) hereinafter set forth (is) (are) non-tenured and (is) (are) not completing (his) (her) (their) last year of probationary teaching service during the 2016-2017 school year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Aurora West District 129, Kane County, Illinois, has determined that the full-time, non-tenured teacher(s) hereinafter set forth shall not be reemployed for the 2017-2018 school term, pursuant to Section 5/24-11 of The Illinois School Code. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of Aurora West District 129, Kane County, Illinois, as follows:

Section 1: That the following full-time, non-tenured teacher(s) shall not be reemployed for the 2017-2018 school term in conformance with the Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teacher(s) set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by first class mail at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 3: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teacher(s) set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially as set forth in the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 4: That the Superintendent or his/her designee shall personally deliver, with receipt, a written notice of non-reemployment to the teacher(s) set forth above at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 5: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-1)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mr. Neal Ormond, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Robert Patterson, Mr. Ira Lathan

Nay: Mrs. Amie Thompson


Procedural: 7.1 Public Comments: Audience Members Wishing to Speak to the Board Regarding a Non-Agenda Item

There were no members of the audience that wished to address the Board.

Information: 7.2 Superintendent Comments

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, reiterated the great environment and great opportunity for the District when participating in the Candidate Forum. Tomorrow he will be heading down to Springfield for the second session of the house task force. He wants to make sure our districts and ones like ours are represented.

Information: 7.3 Student Board Member Comments

Tommy Garcia, Student Board Member, mentioned some of the great things going on at the high school. One of the highlights was the East/West exchange. He was also honored to be a part of the Excellence in Education dinner. He also gave some highlights of sports going on for spring.

Information: 7.4 Board Member Comments & Dates to Remember

The Board members highlighted the great job of all who participated in the Candidate Forum. It was impressive to see all of the potential Board member candidates. The Board mentioned their appreciation of all of the students that were recognized at tonight's meeting. Events that Board members attended were highlighted. Valerie Brown Dykstra mentioned additional candidate forums coming up this week, in case anyone is interested. Robert Patterson mentioned that tonight will be his last Board meeting, due to upcoming work obligations. The next Board meeting is scheduled for April 3, 2017.

8. Adjournment

Action, Procedural: 8.1 Adjourn

A motion was made by Mrs. Amie Thompson, second by Mr. Ira Lathan to Adjourn.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mr. Neal Ormond, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Robert Patterson, Mr. Ira Lathan

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
