
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois School District U-46 Board of Education met March 6.

Illinois School District U-46 Board of Education met March 6.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:01 p.m. at the Educational Services Center, 355 East Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois. The following Board members answered roll call: Cody Holt, Sue Kerr, Veronica Noland, Jeanette Ward, and Donna Smith. Traci O’Neal Ellis arrived at 6:01 p.m.

A motion was made at 6:02 p.m. by Mrs. Ward, second by Ms. Noland, to allow Phil Costello to participate in the March 6, 2017, regular meeting via telephone due to a work commitment until he can arrive at the meeting. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0

President Smith requested a motion to move into closed session to discuss information regarding individual student disciplinary matters; pending, probable or imminent litigation; the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees; the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the School Board; the setting of a price for the sale or lease of real property owned by the School Board; collective negotiating matters between the School Board and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; review of closed session minutes; and individual student matters. The motion was made at 6:03 p.m. by Ms. Noland, second by Mrs. Ward. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0. Mr. Costello arrived at the meeting at 6:20 p.m.

A motion was made at 7:03 p.m. by Ms. Kerr, second by Mrs. Ward to reconvene into open session. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0.

The business session began at 7:09 p.m. Present for the business session of the meeting were the same Board members listed above, Student Board Member Eric Loera, Chief Executive Officer Tony Sanders and Interim Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Arndt. The following administrators were also present: Chief Legal Officer Miguel Rodriguez, Steve Burger, Dr. Suzanne Johnson, Dr. Jeff King, Dr. Terri Lozier, Dr. Ushma Shah, Dr. Annette Acevedo, Christopher Allen, Donald Evans, Mary Fergus, Amelia Gavina, John Heiderscheidt, Patricia Makishima, and Bruce Phelps. Also present were: media representatives Seth Hancock of the Examiner and Rafael Guerrero of the Courier, as well as other administrators, guests, and visitors. Mr. Loera led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

A moment of silence was held in honor of Ronald Guidry, a Tefft Middle School student who passed away on February 18, 2017.

1. Accent on Achievement - Mr. Sanders A. Technology Student Association Team from Bartlett High School

The Board of Education recognized the Technology Student Association Team from Bartlett High School. During the February Illinois Technology Student Association State Conference, 30 BHS students earned 40 medals in 17 out of 19 events. The students’ successful performance ranked the BHS team in first place for both the first and second level of the competition, a first in BHS history at the state conference. The first level represents the 7-9 grade competition and the second level represents the 10-12 grade competition.

2. Comments from the Audience Rick Newton spoke about his concerns with some Board member’s intolerance for opposing beliefs. Mr. Newton feels that members of the Board are hypocritical when they claim to oppose bullying in the District but are practicing it themselves.

3. Other Business – Board Member and CEO Update, If Necessary 

A. Additional Information Mr. Sanders noted that the Bartlett High School Gay Straight Alliance left a bracelet for each of the Board members. Mr. Sanders also thanked the Board for attending the IASB workshop.

Mr. Costello reported that he will be attending the McCormick Foundation’s reception to recognize Streamwood High School for being named one of the 2016 Illinois Democracy Schools.

Ms. Kerr reported that she felt the IASB workshop the Board attended was useful and she learned a lot. Ms. Kerr has also attended some of the spring musicals and she is continually impressed by the talent in the District.

Mr. Loera attended a workshop on the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. He is also working on planning a dance for his school. Mr. Loera introduced the candidates for the new Student Board Member.

Mrs. O’Neal Ellis reported that she and Mrs. Smith attended State Representative Anna Moeller’s Education Advisory Committee meeting and found it to be very enlightening. Mrs. O’Neal Ellis also thanked the Bartlett Gay Straight Alliance for the bracelet.

Mrs. Smith reported that she, Ms. Kerr, and Mrs. O’Neal Ellis attended the AAPLI/HPLI (African American Parent Leadership Institute and Hispanic Parent Leadership Institute) roundtable and it was very nice. Mrs. Smith also mentioned that she found the workshop the Board attended very good and she hopes everyone will continue to work on the topics discussed.

B. FOIA Requests – 6 Mr. Sanders, Chief Executive Officer, reported on the requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act.

4. Consent Agenda 

A. Personnel Report and Workers' Compensation Cases 

B. Minutes of Board Meeting – February 6, 2017- Mr. Sanders 

C. Lunch Price Increase for 2017-2018 

D. Contract Renewal - Financial Operations/Human Resources – Tyler Technologies MUNIS Software 

E. Change Order - Middle Schools – Lock Down Project 

F. Building Permit Administration recommends the Board of Education approve the attached application for submission to the Kane County Regional Office of Education for issuance of a building permit for the following project: Otter Creek - Pre-K Remodeling 

G. Occupancy Permits Administration recommends the Board of Education approve the following Applications for submission to the Kane County Regional Office of Education for issuance of Occupancy Permits: Lockdown Hardware Phase 1 – 42 Elementary and Pre-K Schools Lockdown Hardware Phase 2 – 8 Middle Schools Elgin and Streamwood High Schools – Libraries

Motion by Ms. Noland, second by Ms. Kerr, to approve the Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, as presented. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0.

5. Discussion/Action

A. Itemized Bills – March 6, 2017 Dr. King, Chief Operations Officer/Chief School Business Official, presented the March 6, 2017, itemized bills. Administration recommended the Board of Education approve the List of Bills in the amount of $4,217,389.55.

Motion by Mr. Costello, second by Ms. Noland, to approve the Itemized Bills of March 6, 2017, in the amount of $4,217,389.55, as presented. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0.

B. 8th Grade Dual Language Spanish Language Arts Curriculum 

Dr. Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Dr. Acevedo, Director of English Language Learners Program, and Ms. Makishima, Coordinator of English Language Learners Initiatives, provided the Board of Education with information relating to 8th Grade Dual Language Spanish Language Arts Curriculum.

Motion by Ms. Noland, second by Ms. Kerr, to approve the 8th Grade Dual Language Spanish Language Arts Curriculum proposal, as presented.

Mrs. Ward stated that she is not against learning other languages but she feels that the Dual Language program prolongs student dependence on Spanish. Mrs. Ward indicated that she would be voting no.

Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: Mr. Holt and Mrs. Ward. The motion carried by a vote of 5-2.

C. Approval of the ETA Tentative Agreement Mr. Sanders, Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Johnson, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning, and Dr. King, Chief Operations Officer/Chief School Business Official, presented a proposed 1-year Tentative Agreement with the Elgin Teachers Association.

Motion by Ms. Noland, second by Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, to approve the ETA Tentative Agreement, as presented.

Mr. Holt stated that he would not be supporting this contract because he believes it unsustainably grows the cost of government. Mr. Holt also does not support the step and lane salary increases and would like to see the District move to a performance-based contract. Mr. Holt indicated he would be voting no.

Mr. Costello agrees with Mr. Holt but he will support this contract because he feels that adopting a posture of getting the most out of the best staff and making sure that they are recognized and compensated accordingly is his overall goal but he does not believe that can happen this year. Mr. Costello indicated he would be voting yes.

Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: Mr. Holt and Mrs. Ward. The motion carried by a vote of 5-2.

D. HR Resolutions In order to follow state guidelines that allow for staff dismissal up until 45 days before the end of the school year, the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources annually presents personnel categories that are eligible for possible dismissal. Depending on the budget situation and when programs and classes are determined for the next school year, some of these individuals may be rehired providing they have proper licensure. While the Board of Education takes this action very seriously, dismissal consideration is customary at this time of year in order to follow state requirements. Each Resolution must be voted on separately. HR Resolutions will also be presented at the March 13, 2017, Board of Education Meeting.

Mr. Evans, Director of Human Resources and Mrs. Gavina, Coordinator of Recruitment presented the following Resolutions for consideration by the Board.

Teachers (Board Policy 5.206 - Reduction in Certified Staff Work Force) Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Teachers (1722)

Motion by Ms. Noland, second by Ms. Kerr to approve Resolution #1722 – Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Teachers. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0

Classified Staff (Board Policy 5.291 - Reduction in Support Staff Work Force) Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel - Funded Project Personnel (1730)

Motion by Ms. Noland, second by Ms. Kerr to approve Resolution #1730 – Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel – Funded Project Personnel. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0

E. RESOLUTION Directing the Superintendent to Prepare the FY 2018 Budget Dr. King, Chief Operations Officer/Chief School Business Official, reviewed the Resolution. Administration recommended the Board of Education approve the Resolution.

Motion by Ms. Noland, second by Mrs. Ward, to approve the Resolution Directing the Superintendent to Prepare the FY 2018 Budget, as presented. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0.

6. Other Business - CAC Update Melissa Owens presented the CAC update. Ms. Owens attended the Special Education program on tantrums, meltdowns, and anxiety attacks presentation. She thought the discussion was great and beneficial. They will have their final program on March 21, 2017, at Bartlett Library and the topic will be summer recreation. The CAC will host the candidate forum on Thursday in the auditorium at the Educational Services Center.

7. Other Business - Student Disciplinary Cases

A. Student M Motion by Ms. Noland, second by Mrs. Ward, to approve Administration’s recommendation to expel Student M for two semesters, the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year and the first semester of the 2017-2018 school year. While serving the expulsion Student M will have the opportunity to enroll in alternative education programs. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0.

8. Work Session - Contracts Over $25,000.00

A. Contract Renewal - Financial Operations/Human Resources – Annual Support & Update Licensing for Workforce Software Mr. Phelps, Interim Director of Business Services, and Dr. King, Chief Operations Officer/Chief School Business Official, presented the proposal summary. Administration recommended that the Board of Education approve the one-year contract renewal with Workforce Software, Inc. in the amount of $43,148.00, and requested authorization for District administration to execute related documents. This expenditure will be charged to the Educational Fund. The cost is included in the budget for the 2016-2017 School Year.

9. Work Session – Bids/Proposals

A. Bid – Canton Middle School – Boiler/HVAC Redesign Mr. Phelps, Interim Director of Business Services, and Mr. Allen, Director of Plant Operations, presented the bid. Administration recommended award of the low bid meeting specifications to Amber Mechanical Contractors Inc. in the amount of $2,570,000.00 and requested authorization for District administration to execute related documents. This expenditure will be charged to the Capital Projects Fund and the Operations and Maintenance Fund.

B. Bid – Coleman Elementary School – Domestic Water Piping Replacement Mr. Phelps, Interim Director of Business Services, and Mr. Allen, Director of Plant Operations, presented the bid. Administration recommended award of the low bid meeting specifications to Northwest Contractors Inc. in the amount of $931,899.00 and requested authorization for District administration to execute related documents. This expenditure will be charged to the Capital Projects Fund and the Operations and Maintenance Fund.

C. Bid – Horizon Elementary School – Roof Replacement Mr. Phelps, Interim Director of Business Services, and Mr. Allen, Director of Plant Operations, presented the bid. Administration recommended award of the low bid meeting specifications to Riddiford Roofing Company in the amount of $1,183,372.00 and requested authorization for District administration to execute related documents. This expenditure will be charged to the Capital Projects Fund.

D. Bid – Elgin High School – Domestic Water Piping Replacement Mr. Phelps, Interim Director of Business Services, and Mr. Allen, Director of Plant Operations, presented the bid. Administration recommended award of the low bid meeting specifications to F.J. Bero & Company Inc. in the amount of $350,000.00 and requested authorization for District administration to execute related documents. This expenditure will be charged to the Life Safety Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and the Operations and Maintenance Fund.

E. Bid – Streamwood High School Air Handling Units and Piping Replacement Part 4 Mr. Phelps, Interim Director of Business Services, and Mr. Allen, Director of Plant Operations, presented the bid. Administration recommended award of the low bid meeting specifications to Mechanical Concepts of Illinois Inc. in the amount of $1,340,000.00 and requested authorization for District administration to execute related documents. This expenditure will be charged to the Capital Projects Fund and the Operations and Maintenance Fund.

10. Adjournment Motion by Mrs. Ward, second by Mr. Costello, to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting of March 6, 2017, at 7:54 p.m. Upon roll call, yes votes: Mr. Costello, Mrs. O’Neal Ellis, Mr. Holt, Ms. Kerr, Ms. Noland, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Smith. No votes: 0. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0.



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