
Kane County Reporter

Monday, February 24, 2025

Gilberts Board of Trustees begin discussions on FY2018 budget

Webp budget 07

Gilberts Board of Trustees met Tuesday, Feb. 7.

The Village of Gilberts Board of Trustees is located at 87 Galligan Rd, Gilberts, IL 60136.

Here are the minutes as provided by Gilberts:

Special Village Board Meeting Minutes February 7, 2017


Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance President Zirk called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. He proceeded to lead those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call/ Establish Cuorum Village Clerk Meadows called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Trustees Kojzarek, Corbett, LeClercq and President Zirk. President Zirk noted that there were just enough members to establish a quorum. Others present: Administrator Sakas, Assistant Administrator Beith and Finance Director Blocker. For members of the audience please see the attached copy of the sign-in sheet.

Executive Session

President Zirk announced that he would entertain a motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (1) and probable litigation as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11) with business to follow. A Motion was made by Trustee Hacker and seconded by Trustee Corbett to enter into executive session at 6:02 p.m. Roll Call: Vote: 4-ayes: Trustees Kojzarek, Corbett, Hacker and President Zirk. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.

The Board Members along with Administrator Sakas, Assistant Administrator Beith, Finance Director Blocker and Village Clerk Meadows entered into executive session at 6:03 p.m. and returned to the public meeting at 7:18 p.m.

Reconvene/Roll Call Roll call: Members present: Trustees Kojzarek, Corbett, LeClercq, Zambetti, Hacker and President Zirk. Others present: Administrator Sakas, Assistant Administrator Beith, Chief Building Inspector Swedberg, Finance Director Blocker, Chief Rossi and Utility Superintendant Castillo.

Public Comment

President Zirk asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Village Board Members. Those in attendance offered no comments or questions.

Consent Agenda

A. A Motion to approve Minutes from the January 31, 2017 Special Village Board Meeting

B. A Motion to approve Bills & Payroll dated February 7, 2017 as follows: General Fund'

$13,406.86, Water Fund $12,144.91 and Performance Bonds $13,578.97

President Zirk asked if any of the Board Members wished to remove any items from the consent agenda for Separate Consideration. The Board Members offered no comments. A Motion was made by Trustee LeClercq and seconded by Trustee Corbett to approve the consent agenda items A-B as presented. Roll call: Vote: 5-ayes: Trustee Kojzarek, Corbett, LeClercq, Zambetti and Hacker. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.

Items for Approval There were no items listed under "Items for Approval".

Items for Discussion

FY-18 Budget President Zirk reported that this is the first meeting in which the Board Members along with Staff will be discussing the draft 2018 Budget. He suggested instead of going line item by line item what has worked well in the past was for Staff to provide an overview of the draft budget. Then if the Board Members have any questions on any one line item Staff can then respond to their questions at that time.

Administrator Sakas commented on both the amended FY-17 and draft FY-18 budgets. He noted that the FY-2018 budget projects a surplus of $87,000.00 which includes a comprehensive 2.5% cost of living adjustment for all of the Village Staff. In addition, Staff recommends replacing the printed quarterly newsletter with an electronic version with a cost savings of $5,700.00 and a decrease in the professional service line item which will save $20,000.00.

President Zirk provided those in attendance with an overview on fund accounting. He commented on the fact that the administration, public works and police department operating expenses are funded by the general fund. While water/wastewater operations are funded by the enterprise fund which are restricted funds and the funds can't be comingled with the general fund. President Zirk noted that on many occasions the public works and water/wastewater salaries are paid out of both the general fund and the enterprise fund depending on the labor task. Many of the water and public works employees perform tasks that include snow plowing, water main break repairs or other similar tasks and are expensed to one or both of the funds.

Administrator Sakas continued to discuss the draft FY-2018 budget. He reported that Staff anticipates revenues to decrease in 2018.

Due to the fact that Ryland will have built out Town Center and the Conservancy Development's allowable building permits will be maximized in the upcoming months thus decreasing FY-2018 even US.

Administrator Sakas commented on the FY-2017 budget surplus. He noted that Staff is projecting a $190,000.00 general fund surplus. He suggested allocating $20,000.00 of the surplus to fund the transition of the Finance Director Position, $3,500.00 for routine park projects and $20,000.00 for nonpark Public Work projects that are necessary and labor-intensive. The allocation of these general fund projects would result in a net FY-2017 surplus of $146,500.00.

Administrator Sakas detailed the proposed park projects. He reported that the notable park projects listed in the draft budget include building a seat wall at the Town Center Park Splash Pad and having the Splash pad professionally winterized. The park projects also include purchasing a grill to be installed at Town Center Park. Administrator Sakas reported that Staff plans to exhaust the Timber Trail/Town Center Park Impact Funds and Staff is requesting approximately $3,500.00 from the FY-2017 surplus. He noted that the park impact fee funds should be used sooner than later. The funds were intended to improve the park space in which the subdivision was developed.

Administrator Sakas reported that the final engineering for the Town Center Park estimated to be approximately $5,000.00 was not included in the budget. The cost of the final engineering could be charged to the FY-2017 surplus or added to the FY-2018 budget in either operating funds or alternately drawn from the new park impact fees.

Administrator Sakas discussed the option of outsourcing the mowing of the Village owned properties. He noted that the lowest mowing bid was $109.99 per hour. However, if Seasonal Public Works employees were to mow the Village owned properties the cost was $63.71 per hour.

Trustee Hacker asked if the roughly $49.00 per hour difference between the outsourcing cost and the Seasonable public works labors cost was due to gas and maintenance. Administrator Sakas replied yes.

Administrator Sakas discussed Public Works manpower needs. He noted that Staff is requesting to have the 4-day per week position converted to a full-time position. The cost associated with the full-time position increases the Public Works labor cost by $23,500 annually which equate to approximately $58 per hour. This cost does steeply increase the hourly rate; however the Village has had difficulty in recruiting for the 4-day position and inevitably the 4-day employee leaves for a full-time position with benefits.

Administrator Sakas commented on ways to fund the transition. He noted that by eliminating the outsourcing of the mowing of Town Center Park and the elimination of the backhoe loan covers the increased cost of the full-time position and allows for an additional savings of over $10,000.00.

President Zirk expressed concerns with the Village's ability to recruit qualified seasonal labors. Chief Building inspector Swedberg reported that two of the last year seasonal laborers are scheduled to return and he is in the process of advertising for the one open seasonal laborers position. President Zirk Commented on the fact that he wants to ensure this manpower methodology is achievable. Chief Building Inspector Swedberg reported that he was confident this manpower methodology was an achievable goal.

Administrator Sakas discussed the Police Department's manpower staffing levels. He noted that the Current part-time police officer manpower is not sustainable either financially or organizationally. Hiring and losing qualified officers to full-time positions is expensive and impacts the department's effectiveness. Staff is recommending conversion of one part-time patrolman position to a full-time position.

President Zirk clarified that the full-time police officer position would not be in addition to the part-time Scheduled hours. This position would replace some of the current part-time shifts.

Administrator Sakas commented on the fact that recently the department has lost three part-time officers to full-time positions offered elsewhere. This costs the Village money in the purchase of uniforms, training and institutional knowledge. Administrator Sakas stated that in his opinion the Village should consider promoting internal career progression for exceptional officers and encourage them to work up through the ranks.

Chief Rossi reported that the department has recently hired two new part-time officers with a possible third to be hired in the near future.

Trustee Hacker noted that the cost of an additional full-time officer is a continuous Village obligation.

Administrator Sakas discussed the Road improvement Fund. He reported that in FY-2018 the fund will increase to a total of $917,000.00. He recommends the Board consider prioritizing projects and using road improvement funds to initiate engineering plans and preliminary cost estimates for capital budgeting and long-term planning.

Administrator Sakas went on to discuss municipal vehicle purchases. He noted that the draft FY-2018 Budget includes the purchase of a new Squad car and a Water Department pick-up truck.

Administrator Sakas reported that Staff is recommending for a minimal increase in price purchasing a 4WD Silverado with increased capabilities including a towing packet for the water main break trailer.

Administrator Sakas reported on an item that is not included in the budget. He noted that a muchneeded new LiveScan fingerprinting system estimated to cost $16,000.00 was not included in the budget. However, the Police Department is actively seeking grant funding.

Administrator Sakas discussed the Water/Wastewater Fund Budget. He reported that the adjusted FY2017 budget reflects an income of $277,000.00, and the draft FY-2018 budget projects a $243,000.00 Surplus. This includes the purchase of the Silverado and the regulatory mandated inspections of the Galligan and Indian Trails Water Towers. In addition, it also reflects the water meter replacement program. Trustee Corbett asked how many more years the Village will be replacing the water meters. Chief Building Inspector Swedberg reported that this year should be the last year of the program for twenty years. The newer meters have a twenty year lifespan.

Administrator Sakas discussed the water plant's twin high-service pumps. He noted that the pumps are 15 years old and now require extraction and maintenance. Unfortunately, the ceiling/roof at the water plant was designed too low to allow for the high-service pumps to be pulled for service. Administrator Sakas reported that Staff has analyzed every scenario and concluded that the roof would have to be cut and redesigned. President Zirk suggested putting in skylights instead of a hatch. Staff concurred with President Zirk's recommendation.

Administrator Sakas Continued to discuss the water systems. FY-2018 expenses. He reported that recently the Board Members recommended that Staff purchase a water main break trailer and water main break tools. Administrator Sakas reported that the water main trailer is estimated to cost $14,000.00. In addition, the water and wastewater plants need to be re-roofed at an estimated cost of S48,600.00.

President Zirk commented on the fact that previous Board's budget methodology was not to fund a Capital equipment replacement program. Instead they would borrow money to purchase equipment as needed. He along with Finance Director Blocker has since established an equipment replacement program and no longer borrows money to purchase capital equipment.

Administrator Sakas commented on future potential revenue sources. He noted that the water towers are a possible revenue generator. Staff will continue to solicit new carries to place their equipment on the water towers.

Administrator Sakas reported that Staff continues to work on decreasing the Village's land-lines and internet costs. This initiative will be achievable with the addition of the fiber optic program.

Administrator Sakas discussed the Village's immediate need for automated infrastructure mapping of the Village's water mains, valves, sewer mains, storm sewers, manholes and other facilities.

Administrator Sakas commented on the proposed Water Fund capital projects. He reported that the projects include re-engineering and replacement of the wastewater plant blowers and the painting of the water towers.

Administrator Sakas reported that one of the projects which will be assigned to the new Finance Director is fully automating the water billing operations.

Administrator Sakas concluded his discussion on the FY-2018 budget and opened the floor for Board Member's questions or comments.

Trustee Hacker asked what the purpose was for the purchase of a generator at the Public Works facility. Chief Building Inspector Swedberg replied that the request was due to the fact that when the power goes out it makes it very difficult for Public Works to open the 21' garage doors to get their equipment out or in. The Public Works facility would need to be re-wired to accommodate the generator.

Trustee Hacker asked about the proposed expenditure for two monument signs. Chief Building Inspector Swedberg Stated that the two signs would be the same as the existing entrance signs. The signs would be installed at two different locations one at the intersection of the bike path and Big Timber and the other at the Sola Drive entrance.

President Zirk in Trustee Farrell's absence asked two questions on her behalf. She is asking Staff to provide the Board Members with a facilities painting schedule. He suggested Chief Building Inspector Swedberg Contact Trustee Farrell to inquire on the details of the schedule.

President Zirk asked a second question on Trustee Farrell's behalf. She noted that the outsourced mowing RFP had a schedule and location of the properties to be mowed.

Trustee Farrell asked if Staff could also supply a schedule of the days and locations they would be mowing. President Zirk once again suggested Chief Building inspector Swedberg contacts Trustee Farrell to have her provide him with more details.

President Zirk commented on the condition of some of the streets in town. He noted in the past reconstruction to Industrial Drive has been postponed due to the fact the street would have to be tornup if the property owners wanted to connect to the Village's water system. He noted that it has been years now and none of the property owners have expressed an interest in connecting to the Village's water System.

President Zirk commented on the Village's portion of Galligan Road. He noted that a portion of the road has a high volume of industrial grade truck traffic. He said maybe all or some of the cost to reconstruct that portion of Galligan Road be placed on the users.

Administrator Sakas thanked the Board Members for their input on the fy-2018 budget. Staff will Continue to adjust the draft budget and bring the draft budget back in March with a final budget brought forward for Board consideration in April.

Staff Reports Administrator Sakas reported that he along with Assistant Administrator Beith will be attending a Conference the rest of the week and will be out of the office.

Chief Building Inspector Swedberg reported that the warning siren had been tested and is fully functional.

Chief Rossi reported that the Gilberts Police Department had raised $8,400.00 for Special Olympics.

Utility Superintendent Castillo reported that he had pulled the service pump for maintenance.

Clerk Meadows on behalf of the Community Days Committee thanked Trustee Hacker for his donation. President Zirk noted that Trustee Hacker being retired takes a month vacation and donates that month's

Salary to Community Days.

Trustee's Reports The Board Members offered no reports at this time.

President's Report President Zirk reported that he along with Representative Barbara Wheeler have been working on legislation to amend a portion of the State Statute that designates who presides over the local election boards. He reported that recently a local election board in another community held an objection hearing. The local election board members had considerable political interest in the outcome. In his opinion the hearing was unfair and politically charged.

President Zirk and Representative Wheeler are proposing to have the Election Authority (Kane County) preside over the objections hearings as they are qualified to do so and educated in the process unlike the local election authorities that rarely hear petition objections. President Zirk reported that if anyone is interested in reviewing House Bill 2472 you may visit the Illinois General Assembly website.

Adjournment There being no further public business to discuss, a Motion was made by Trustee Corbett and seconded by Trustee Hacker to adjourn from the public meeting at 8:25 p.m. Roll Call: Vote: 5-ayes by unanimous voice vote. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Meadows


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